
Is it true that John McCain is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder??

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I really want to know because other people keep dropping hints on here and other forums or making outright statements to the effect that "they know" he has PTSD.. However I have not seen any evidence or reports that he is in treatment etc...There has been nothing in the mainstream media here.

So I was just wondering if anyone has an opinion on that?

You could link me to sites or clips if you think they support your point.




  1. ,Actually he authorized release of his medical records including right after his return, & there is no record of PTSD.  

    This is just political slander.

    He did write a book, google on amazon & I'm sure it's there.  Honor of the my father or country or something like that.  There's never been any comments that anything was wrong with the book.  McCain's reputation on the job in the Senate is of being able to work well across the aisle & with others for 20 years now.  That's not the sign of a violent problem.  For instance, the democratic senator he was accused of "fighting" with (attacking) categorically denies it.

    There's a lot riding on this election.  This false info, isn't helpful to helping us all make wise decisions unfortuantely.


    PTSD clarification!

    It's a specific psychiatric condition with defined symptoms!   (Including disassociating to triggers.)

    It's not "stress"!!

    Nor a standard reaction to stress.  Now, there are even measurable brain changes that can be detected with it.  It's actually pretty treatable in many people.  It is a limited percent of the population that is likely to get it under relevant circumstances (around 30% I think, from studies).

    And this is how inaccurate rumors start...

  2. Diagnosing PTSD is extremely difficult.  It's not as easy as observing someone on TV.  Every person that goes through traumatic events will suffer some type of stress.  For some people, it becomes a medical condition like depression, and as well all know depression can be elusive to diagnose as well.  Sometimes a person's awareness of the PTSD condition can help contribute to them getting PTSD after being in some trauma; the placebo effect.

    I think it's likely he had PTSD while he was a POW, and probably for some time after, but it's been a long time and I think he'd be fine now.  PTSD doesn't last forever.

  3. Whatever is responsible for his continuous mistakes and memory issues, it should be a consideration concerning for whom to vote.

    I honor Sen. McCain's experiences in Vietnam, he is a true hero.

    Do we really want, however, someone who is already losing his faculties, hero or not? Imagine what the incredibly stressful and aging office of President of the United States would do to him if he were to win.

  4. When people say "they know" don't trust it. They most definitely have a hidden motive.

  5. and you blame him for that?

    five and a half years of torture is not something you can just make disappear...

    you should try to talk with a veteran and especially a vietnam veteran

    what happen many years ago for them is like yesterday..


    this is what a vietnam vet told me when I compare vietnam with Iraq war..

    " dude vietnam was very very bad"

    then he add some details in order to make me understand

    the differences but I skip to post this details..

  6. Last check up said he was perfectly healthy.

    When people bag on McCain by saying stuff like that, it is just another way for them to say they don't have anything educated to say against him.

  7. YUP

    "can't remember how many homes he owns........PRICELESS"

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