
Is it true that Khalifa Uthman burned the Glorious Qurans?

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Is it true that Khalifa Uthman burned the Glorious Qurans?




  1. yes he was a big conspiracy,eventually leading to Karbalah battle

    Ali's protest is documented in many references, but I cite and reproduce here the classic reference AL ITQAAN FEE 'ULUM AL QURAN by Jalaluddin Al-Suyuty, Al-Azhareyyah Press, Cairo, Egypt, 1318 AH, Page 59

    Translation: `Ali was asked: "Why are you staying home?" He said, "Something has been added to the Quran, and I have pledged never to put on my street clothes, except for the prayer, until the Quran is restored."

    The horrendous dimensions of this crime can be realized once we look at the consequences:

    (1) `Uthman was assassinated, and `Ali was installed as the fourth Khalifa.

    (2) A 50-year war erupted between the new Khalifa and his supporters on one side, and the Mohammedan distorters of the Quran on the other side.

    (3) `Ali was martyred, and eventually his family, the prophet Muhammad's family, except for some women and children, were killed.

    (4) The disaster culminated in the infamous Battle of Karbala, where `Ali's son, Hussein, and his family were massacred.

    The distorters of the Quran finally won the war, and the "official" history that came to us represented the victors' point of view. This apparent victory for God's enemies was, of course, in accordance with God's will. In just two decades after the Prophet's death, the idol worshipers who were defeated by the Prophet in the conquest of Mecca (632 AD) reverted to idolatry. Ironically, this time around their idol was the Prophet himself. Such idol worshipers obviously did not deserve to possess the pure Quran. Hence the blessed martyrdom of the true believers who tried to restore the Quran, and the apparent victory for the distorters of God's word.

    The first peace time ruler after this lengthy and disastrous war was Marwan Ibn Al Hakam (died 65 AH/684 AD). One of the first duties he performed was to destroy the original Quran, the one that was so scrupulously written by the Prophet's own hand, "fearing it might become the cause of NEW disputes" [see `ULUM AL-QURAN, by Ahmad von Denffer, Islamic Foundation, Leicester, United Kingdom, 1983, Page 56.]. The question an intelligent person must ask is: "If the original Quran were identical to the Quran in circulation at that time, why did Marwan Ibn Al-Hakam have to destroy it?!"

  2. He was a c**k who thought the sun had come up to hear him crow

  3. 'Uthmaan radhiallaahu anhu burned 6 of the 7 Ahruf so that the people did not divide over it, and this was in agreement with the other Sahaabah after consultation.  

  4. The Quran was with Ali (as) and Ali (as) was with the Quran.

  5. When Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him died, Islam was still small geographically.   The Muslims mostly existed in the two cities of Mecca and Madina.  Comparing those two cities' size to the Middle East region's size, they would not even be 0.0001% in comparison.

    After the death of our beloved Prophet, Islam started to expand in the Middle East region.  Not only the People of the entire region didn't have the same dialect, but also they had different languages.  The languages that were spoken in the region at that time were Arabic (with its 7 dialects), Persian, Assyrian, Hebrew and some Greek.  All of these languages are quite different from each others.  You would need a translator to translate almost 100% of the conversation if you were to pick two languages and have two people converse with them, each person with one language.

    As the Muslims expanded through the entire region, which is thousands of squared miles in area, the Noble Quran was documented at different places with sometimes different languages and Arabic dialects as well.

    Islam mostly spread throughout the region during the first two Caliphs (our Prophet's disciples); may Allah Almighty be pleased with them, Abu-Baker Al-Siddeeq, and Omar bin Al-Khattab.  They were mostly concerned with spreading Islam to the people of the entire region and never had the time, nor the rulership (since Islam wasn't quite spread throughout the entire region until toward the end of the second disciple's time) to unify the Noble Quran or the teaching of the Noble Quran with one dialect in recitation and spelling.

    When Uthman bin Aaffan (the third disciple) came, Islam was pretty stable in the region, and he had rulership to implement the Quraishi dialect among all the Arabic speaking people in the entire region, and to teach them the Noble Quran through that dialect only.

    Important Note:  If the Noble Quran is recited in a different dialect than the Quraishi one, and if one tries to write down what he is reciting, he could and would end up with different words in spelling and in some cases in meaning as well than the original copy of the Noble Quran.

    When Uthman got hold of all of the Qurans that were written in different dialects, and in some cases were altered to sound exactly like the other dialects, he ordered for them to get burnt because they did not use the proper Arabic that was revealed unto our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and in some cases their words were different because of this dialect difference.  He then compiled all of the Noble Surahs (Chapters) of the Noble Quran that were already written during the time of Prophet Muhammad in the city of Madina and formed what we call today the one true copy of the "Noble Quran".

    Important Note:  As I mentioned above, when Uthman, the third Caliph in Islam, compiled the Noble Quran, he did not determine the numerical order of the Noble Chapters and the Noble Verses.  The entire Noble Quran as I said was already documented and memorized.  Chapters from the Noble Quran were recited by our Prophet peace be upon him at least 5 times a day during the Muslims' five-daily prayers.  Also, the Noble Quran was all recited during the month of Ramadan, as it is still done today.  There are other daily and weekly religious occasions, festivals and holidays where the Noble Quran back then and still today was recited either partially or wholly.  The  Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran back then continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others: Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam.

    So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else.

    Ever since then and till today, the Arabic Noble Quran is taught with one Arabic dialect, and that is the Quraishi dialect.  Also, the proper Arabic language as I mentioned above that is taught in schools and books today is also in the Quraishi dialect.


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