
Is it true that London's really dirty?

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Because I really want to live there but everybody says its dirty and not a good place to live.




  1. Top of the charts for pollution,  Glasgow comes 2ND.

  2. Nope i love london and look at covent gardens and see how clean that is!

    It not dirty but high cost of living.

  3. Best city in the world,

  4. It is blow your nose and the contents of the tissue are black! No kidding...but it is the best city in the worls and I miss it a lot.

  5. London is no more dirty than New York!, first of all you can walk in the parks, on the street & all around with out thinking if

    you are, or not going to step in DOG'S  you knows what, I mean Dog's SHIRT. use your head. In New York, all over the

    place you will fiend that it was like that until Mayor Cotch start

    to charge Dog walker to pick up after there dog and it start again because this Mayor have turned his head the other way

    but they start talking about it again so I think  they may start to

    clean up agan but even beside that london is cleaner than NY

    Even snow time you fiend the snow is cleaned up in England

    quicker and better than in most part of the USA. where snow

    fall. SO do not lesting to what every body say about most things in life!.

  6. yes but good shopping!

  7. I was shocked to hear that it was one of the dirtiest cities in Europe, but as I love London so much and live here I just let it go in one ear and out the other, You don't really notice it that much, but once you've been on the tube for a while and blow your nose little black dots are found on the tissue, I am sure though that this is in the majority of tube systems

    I couldn't care less if London is dirty, London is what it is, One Fab Town!

  8. Whatever us Brits couldn't care anymore we're trying to leave so you're welcome to it.


    This is fact Canada are looking for British emigrates

  9. Let me take you by the hand,

    and lead you through the streets of London,

    I;ll show you places to make you change your mind!

  10. it is not as dirty as Bogota if thats what your thinking.

    But Central London is very clean, outside of the city center it is like any other major city like paris etc.

    London is also a Green City with tons and tons of parks to go and relax without the big crowds exept from Hyde Park when there is an music event going on in the summer.

  11. Every big city is an open sewer

  12. Its a huge city, its not going to be a fresh green paradise.

    Don't worry about what others think. I love London!

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