
Is it true that Manny Pacquiao eats dog meat before a fight?

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In the Philippines, dog meat is eaten just like frog, rabbit, armadillo, snake or other exotic meat here in the US. I'm half filipino, but I've never tried it when I visited there. I hear that it can enhance your performance... a friend told me he does, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's true. Just wondered.




  1. I never read that..but they do eat it in the Phillipines so anything possible,

  2. yes he has said it before

  3. I'm sure he has eaten dog meat before but probably not recently.  Dog meat is not eaten by the poor alone because it's actually more expensive than pork.  It is eaten as a delicacy, most of the time as appetizers that goes well with alcoholic drinks.

  4. nah.what a question.

  5. No he doesnt do that! he doesnt even eat that much meat! at all!  

    In the Philippines! Dog meat are eaten by POOR PEOPLE who cant afford to buy meat! Manny Pacquiao is even having trouble making it to 130lbs! and why would he eat meat? to gain weight!  in his interviews he just eats gulay (vegetabels) it doesnt makes sense to eat meat and gain weight! and if your bagging at least 5 million a fight! I think the last type of meat i would buy is Dog meat! i would eat all the New York Steak i can!

  6. Naaaaaaaa........ that would make his BARK worse than his RIGHT! JK lmao

  7. ha i dunno i had dog its ok not a top quality meat but still better then some things out there

  8. hes fillipino so maybe

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