
Is it true that McCain is secretly plotting to bring the Republican Party down?

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I heard on the news that stories have begun to come out indicating that John McCain is plotting to bring the Republican Party down. Even going so far as saying that even if he is voted in, he will vastly move away from his promises to Conservatives, and begin voting liberal openly.

I wasn't sure if any of this was true, but after reading that his choice for VP candidate is an unknown woman out of Alaska of all places, I'm beginning to think it's true. I mean, why would his campaign balk against Obama for lack of experience, and then follow up their bolstering with nominating an inexperienced governor from the least populated state there is?

Guys, please tell me your thoughts. Do you think McCain is seeking to destroy Republicans from the inside out?




  1. no

    but thx for the spin lolol


  2. So you think he's destroying Conservatives by picking a strong Conservative? Your argument doesn't make any sense.

  3. You have to wonder.  He's taking a HUGE risk with Palin.

  4. If that was true I would totally vote for McCain.

    Obama '08

  5. He's too late if that's his plan, this administration already beat him to the punch. The GOP brand is toxic thanks to this administration.

  6. It happened in No VietNam.  The secret programming to throw the election to the commies. Funny how life imitates art.

  7. Oh, I am sorry. I didn't realize it was kids hour in Yahoo politics. I will return later when the mature people are back on. oh as to the diatribe, you have no clue what your ranting about. I pity the ignorance of the intended misinformed.

    BTW, can you tell me why democrats hate women?

  8. I think Obama 's too far left and the Dems will implode.  Maybe some century they'll get it right.

  9. I can hear all the rednecks in Texas shaking in their boots.

    A woman VP? McCain will probably croak in office and we'll have the first woman president. a nobody from Alaska.


  10. definatly not

  11. Your mom is seeking to bring the Green Party down.

    Fun Fact: The least populated state is North Dakota, not Alaska.

  12. It looks to me like McCain gave the party a huge boost today.

  13. No....stop being ridiculous.

  14. Then McCain would be as guilty as the Bush Administration...I won't vote for him but I don't believe he is a dishonorable man...He has too much Veteran in him!  Which as a Veteran myself, I will always respect!

  15. This makes as much sense as anything.  I think that Palin puts the finishing touch on the implosion of the once commendable party of Lincoln.  McCain has aimed so low he's shot his own foot off...  with Palin's varmint gun.

  16. Hopefully he's trying to restore some credibility to the party. Let everyone know that some Republicans are actually human and do have souls rather than being the demonic horde currently in the administration.

  17. McCain strated that rumor to get neive people that hate republicans to vote for him.

  18. I'm in a good mood, so thanks for the laugh.

    This is the best thing to happen to the Republican party in years.

  19. Good points, only I don't think he use the word destroy, he would say "repair". Kind of like how liberals are now progressives.

  20. yes  

  21. This is fun!

  22. How would I know. I'm not a doctor!

  23. Interesting, Let me think, I like to sort things out, and not go off half c o c_k e d. BTW, I am a dye in the wool conservative (except for the death penalty - I am on death row)

  24. Yes its a conspiracy. He wants Obama to get elected. Once Obama is elected he will rip off his mask and everybody will find out he is actually white. When this happens all the black people will start rioting because they only voted for him since they thought he was black.  

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