
Is it true that McCain picked his Vice Presidential running mate because she has a great tush?

by Guest59240  |  earlier

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Is it true that McCain picked his Vice Presidential running mate because she has a great tush?




  1. The man is 72 years old, good grief does he even know what a tush is, Sarah is a plus in this election. But, I did hear Bill Clinton wants a cabinet position with McCain since Sarah came onboard.

  2. McCain tapped Palin because she is a take charge kind of gal !!

    Spank me Sarah !!!!  Spank Me !!!

  3. She's a Hottie.  Dirty old Man

  4. I didn't notice, but you apparently did.

    Are you in favor of same-s*x marriage?

  5. He's gonna leave his second wife to tap that

  6. Yes. It's the same reason Obama made his choice. Who can pass up a nice caboose?? They're only human, you know!

  7. Nah, if it wasn't for his current wife, he wouldn't have any money to fund his campaign, or sit at his house(s) for dinner.

  8. youre a dumbass

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