
Is it true that Morocco Wants to join the EU?

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But Morocco is in Africa.. why arent they trying to promote the "Arican Union"????




  1. The EU won't allow even Turkey to join them ,That's not true at all .

    To ''Moroccan girl '' you can't describe all Moroccans without dignity and self respect that's wrong

  2. The answer is NO.

    The late king Hassan II, in an interview or speech i don't remember, expressed his wish that Morocco joins the EU to stress the importance of the relationships between the kingdom and the neighboring European countries.

    To join the EU, like any organization, a member must produce an official demand that would be examined by the members before even being a candidate. The state of Morocco never applied to join an no official demand has never been filed. So Morocco doesn't want to be a member of EU. That's officially.

    Then Morocco is not geographically in Europe so can't be a member, even if Ceuta and Melillia wich are in Africa are part of EU :) go figure.. anyway that's not really a problem. The main obstacle to a hypothetic adhesion is that Europeans doesn't want Moroccans among them, as they can't stand the idea of an European Turkey, even if the politicians see the benefit of it, the people doesn't want them or us.  

    And then, Moroccans, the people, have never been consulted if they accept the rules of the Union and wish to see their country join.

    By the way, Morocco is not a member of the African Union, an useless organization, but keeps excellent relationships with the majority of the African countries.

    ps: i pity you Moroccan girl, alas one can't change his origin, skin and genes. Good luck putting up with that insupportable burden of being Moroccan. Life is unfair.. but hey, you could pretend to be Portuguese or Israeli.. but that could be embarassing if you meet real ones.. ! Best thing to do is never mention Morocco or answer questions about your origins to avoid this shameful association, change your name, avoid people who know about it and even never come again to this section!


  4. it's true, it was actually when the old king was still alive Hassan II, as silly as it might sound, it was a trick for Europe to give us more advantages; seriously, Morocco is one of the closest countries to Europe, and the investment is works really well over here, so losing Morocco would be losing a great friend; really.

  5. Some Moroccans may want that but Morocco is in Africa, not Europe so that alone excludes them.  Also, I suspect the EU wouldn't even consider it, which is quite sad.  There is talk of a Mediterranean Union that would include Morocco.

  6. No, but I've heard that they want to join the Trump Union.

  7. i know why they would, so they all can do what teh polish have done and invade the UK in their thousands.

    makes me sick sometimes to call myself arab and moroccan. id rather be english, moroccans have no dignity and no self respect.

  8. HAHA they wish, they already flood EU as illegal aliens.

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