
Is it true that Obama's positions are 'essentially the same' as Hillary's?

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Hillary came up with the ideas like Universal Health, a sane immigration policy, and a staged withdrawal from Iraq in the first place (See Whoopies youtube) why are we voting for Obama instead of Hillary? Isn't this the classic 'glass ceiling' where a man takes advantage of a woman's ideas, for his own personal and political gain? Is this the kind of 'Change' we want in America?




  1. Google USA today policy quiz and take the test. For me, Hillary didnt even show up, but Obama and McCain came up 1st and 3rd. McCain turns up 1st if I choose experience as being the most important. So no, they dont agree on all the issues or even how to implement the changes they agree upon.

  2. It appears your argument is based more on gender than on good information. They both share the democratic ideals but how they propose to handle it differs substantially. Clinton has a lot of years in and around Washington. She knows how the system works and she has been a part of it for years and years. She has been pushing her universal health plan for 15 years (has not been able to get democrats or republicans to support it). Obama on the other hand has only been there a short time compared to Clinton. He too understands how the system works and has participated in almost as many political activities as Clinton . Clinton has been a part of the government process for almost 15 years; she shares the legacy of a government that has almost ruined the United States. Experience that does not result in good is not creditable; we do not need her kind of experience in the White House. We need someone in Washington that understands our government and can bring a fresh approach to thought and action. Hillary has been a part of the worst in Washington for too many years. She enjoys arguing far too much, gets angry too easy, twists information or just does not understand what has been said.

  3. Hillary did not come up with universal health care.  That's been talked about for a lot longer than Hillary's been in government, she just used the same idea and she doesn't have the monopoly on that idea.

  4. Obama and Clinton have basically the same platform because they are both Democrats.

  5. Hillary didn't come up with any of these. She didn't invent Universal Health, something she isn't proposing, other countries did.

    She didn't create a staged withdrawal idea from Iraq, military people did. Actually no such plans currently exist in the military. She could label it whatever she wants.

    We are voting for Obama because he is a better speaker than all of the other candidates, and because he doesn't have the political taint that all of the other politicians currently do. He is someone that is new and fresh and not held down by recent political mistakes that we all want gone from washington.

  6. I really don't care either way. I think that all positions are 'essentially the same' in that every one running for president this year is an idiot.

  7. They are similar because they are both Democrats.  Hillary didn't create the entire Democratic Party's platform.  All Democrats want those things.

  8. Edwards, not Clinton, was the first Presidential candidate to support health care reform. Only Kucinich supported Universal Health care.

    Clinton and Obama have had similar votes on Iraq, although Clinton supported the initial invasion and Obama did not. Many of these votes were against the war, although when push came to shove, they generally supported George W Bush. Kucinich and Richardson consistently opposed the war.

    Major immigration reform was sponsored by Ted Kennedy, with support from John McCain. McCain has since backed off, afrid the right-wing nuts won't vote for him. Neither Obama nor Clinton can claim leadership in this area; both support the Wall. (What do Pink Floyd think of this?)

    Universal health care, a withdrawal from Iraq, a commitment to stay out of wars of aggression, fair economic policies (no more NAFTA), a responsible solution to the immigration problem, no more government spying on its citizens, a Supreme Court that's interested in the people and their rights, government agencies that are committed to workers' rights, cutting pollution, and consumer safety...I don't really care if I get Clinton or Obama.

    Let's not bicker, but join forces against McCain (whom Bush sees as an extension of himself).

  9. Very little difference on the issues.

  10. Hillary Clinton didn't invent Universal Health care.  Other countries have had it for YEARS!  They do have similar positions - same can be said for John Edwards.  They follow similar political philosophies...and are more alike in their thinking than different.  It's not about gender.  Many of Hillary's ideas grew out of her husband's presidential platform...does that mean she shouldn't pursue them?  Of course not.  These are the important issues of our time.

  11. @Moderates Unite! -

    "What makes a man turn Neutral? Power? Lust for gold? or was he just born with a heart full of neutrality?" - Zap Brannigan

  12. Clinton, McCain, and Obama.....all are liberal Social Democrats. They all have the same position on immigration, healthcare, etc. It doesn't matter who you vote for. I'm a Republican that will vote for Obama because I will never vote for McCain and I don't want to hear Bill and Hillary preaching to us peons for the next 4 years.

  13. Actually, I think it might well be "ageism".  

    Obama is casting her as part of the same crowd that has run the show for decades, and seems to want to do the same to McCain (and he may be right about one or both).

    It's not a gender thing.

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