
Is it true that Obama is smart because he was raised by whites?

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If he was raised by his father (That left him of course) than he wouldve been raised gangster?




  1. any1 who believes that is a racist dickk

  2. Is this another racial question? It doesn't matter who raised rather they were white or black or anything else it matters that he is the guy he is today. I think that if it matter who raised him he wouldn't be running for president right now.

  3. well i was raised by my mother and father and i,m a doctor and your a dumb ***

  4. Let me answer in song.

    To the tune of something there from Beauty and The Beast

    "This question's dumb; it's such a bore

    I'd rather be out kissing Johnny more and more

    If you ask me, you're a man w***e

    But then that's nothing knew, you were like that before."

  5. Say what?? I thought he was raised by Indonesians and Africans.

  6. this is a dumb question... i'm not even gna answer it, but thanks for the two points.

  7. that's not necessarily true

  8. His father ( Barack Sr.) moved from a small village  in Kenya to Nairobi. While in Nairobi he  won a scholarship to the University of Hawaii ( he was the first African student at the University of Hawaii and a very good student). Later his father  won a scholarship to Harvard for graduate school.  When Barack( Jr.) moved from Indonesia to Hawaii to be raised by his grand parents he attended a prep school that challenged him mentally. Intelligence is both genetic and environmental.  I think Barack Obama is smart because both of his parents were intelligent and he had the chance to go to very good schools.

  9. Actually in his bio he said Michelle (wife) got him the connections and taught him how to navigate in the U.S. mainland..She even made more than him all the way up until he decided to run for Prez.

  10. Um, no...

    He is smart because his family could afford to send him to college (which has nothing to due with race).

  11. The white is no smarter than the black, white are ganster, mafia and terrorist as well.

  12. No and No

  13. Thats c**p... he is a smart man because of him not because of the color of his parents

  14. :/ im not even gonna bother...

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