
Is it true that Obama wants to get rid of our Nukes

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Someone told me this, and Im not sure if its just some B.S. or if its actually true. Because If it is true ill be very upset and have to vote for old balls McCain, b/c i can not think of any idea dumber then getting ride of our nukes.




  1. Well sure, all democrats hate nuke bombs, and nuke energy.

  2. Yes that is true, he wants to disarm the United States to give the world an example!

    We'd be without defense and taken over in a short while by other world powers, that is what he wants!

    It was all over the news a few weeks ago,....!

  3. Obama stated (I don't have a link for it) that he would like to see a world without nuclear weapons.  He said this while discussing the Iran situation a few weeks back.  He didn't just mean Iran, or just the U.S., he was referring to the global community.  Which would be nice, for the world to be rid of nuclear warfare...but it was probably a little too much wishful thinking, considering world powers and up and coming nations will be hard pressed to rid themselves of such power.

  4. No, it's not true.  

  5. As far as I know, Mr. Obama had wanted to visit Iran to talk about ending their nuclear program. I haven't heard anything about him wanting to end the one here.  

  6. No, not even close to true. Just another lie being spread. I'm sure McCain sends you his thanks for helping spread it.

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