
Is it true that PETA euthanizes 75% of the animals they take in?

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I was talking to one of my friends about PETA and they said that they do more harm than good.

What are the facts?




  1. They kill more than 75%. It's closer to 90% in recent years.

    They also try to pull animals from animal shelters to euthanize them. And they compete with local shelters to get people to turn their animal over to PETA (who will almost always euthanize it) rather than to turn the animal over to a shelter that would try to find it a home.

    === ===

    PETA is an extremist group. And they disgust me.

    They pull people in with the "we love animals!" hook, and unfortunately many people don't look beyond that initial idea. PETA is a horrible group!

    They say they have the best interest of the animals in mind, but I don't believe it. Although I have no proof of it, I would suspect that many of their "under-cover videos" are even staged, which is sad. (And they won't release their full unedited videos.)

    PETA kills animals:

    They also have the goal of making all domestic animals extinct. They don't want people to have pets. Or service dogs. Etc.

    Some suggested reading about PETA:

    I also could never NEVER support a group that intentionally inflicts psychological damage to children and tries to get to the parents by USING the children and attempting to make the children fearful of their own parents. They have handed out the following comics to children:

    You Mommy Kills Animals -

    Your Daddy Kills Animals -

    I don't have all the information handy, but at one point a year or so ago, I decided to read through the PETA site. What I found was a wealth of mis-information and information skewed to support their "cause".

    They want everyone to be vegan. I have no problem with people choosing to be vegetarian/vegan, it's their own personal choice, but it's just that: a *choice*. People have the right to choose if they want to be vegetarian/vegan, or if they want to eat an omnivorous diet.

    And PETA also wants dogs and cats to be vegetarian/vegan. Now *that* I have major problems with. Animals should be fed a diet that is appropriate for their species; for dogs and cats, that diet should include meat.

    Here's a video that shows their hypocrisies:

    (Disclaimer: the guys narrating the video use some strong language, if that offends you, don't want it.)

    In short, they are a destructive group that go about things completely the wrong way. They "protest" by interfering with others in ways that should not be done.

    * They disrupted VS fashion show a couple years ago:

    * Although they have discontinued the practice, they used to attack people with spray-paint that were wearing fur coats. (Their website now says "if you have a fur coat, donate it to a homeless person.")

    (There are numerous other examples, you can do a search on the internet and find them.)

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    I love animals. I love my pets. Which is why I believe in animal WELFARE, not animal rights.

    Animal welfare = treat animals humanely.

    Animal rights = extinction of domestic animals.

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    You think Consumer Freedom spams because they have multiple sites? Check out PETA's list of websites they own:

    Some they don't even put their name on and try to act like it's a  3rd party talking about PETA. When in reality, it's PETA trying to make themselves not look as bad.

    Here's such an example:

    Hopefully there will always be people that will make the truth available to counter PETA's lies.

    It's scary that PETA has so many people brainwashed to be oblivious to the real agenda of the organization.

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    If you don't trust petakillsanimals because you think they are going to make stuff up because they are anti-PETA; here's a newsflash: they report the same numbers as the government!

    - 2004 -

    - 2005 -

    - 2006 -

    - (2007 statistics not yet recorded on this website)

    Petakillsanimals is a very well-researched website.


    There have been numerous reports from local animal shelters in the area of PETA's headquarters that say PETA comes and tries to get animals from them. And that PETA *competes with them* so people bring their animals to PETA instead of the local shelter.

    Real "ethical", they are...


  2. They are crazy.

  3. PETA went to court for killing over thousands of animals

    This will tell you all about it -

    I'm a vegan and I frikkin hate PETA..

    I also heard in North Carolina, there were 2 people who worked for PETA and went to a pet store, pretending to be a friendly couple who was trying to adopt a puppy. They bought some pets and later euthanized it.. Can you believe that??? The things they do shock me and they disgust me

  4. From what I know about PETA they don't take in your run of the mill 'dumped by owner', 'owner died' animals who could quite easily be rehomed. They are not an animal shelter like the SPCA or the Humane Society.

    Many of the animals they end up with are those from facilities which have been conducting horrific experiements in which the aninmals have been so badly traumatized, both physicallly and mentally, that it it is simply not possible to rehome them.  Who exactly is going to take home a severely disturbed rhesus monkey that has been seperated from its mother after two days, kept in isolation for 5 years and then had electrodes implanted in its brain to simulate epilepsy or by force has developed an addiction to heroin?? or a beagle puppy that has been subjected to various forms of vivisection and has developed an aggressive attitude towards people as a result??

    For this reason it makes sense that a higher percentage of the animals which  end up in there care ultimately end up being euthanised than with a regular Animal shelter. They are not your average abandoned animals . It is highly likely that 86% of the animals they end up caring for are too messed up to be rehomed.  If 86% of animals going into a regular shelter were being euthanised then there would be reason to worry, as most animals which end up in a normal shelter are perfectly good candidates for rehoming.

    Put the numbers in perspective also - The 10,000 odd figure for all the animals that PETA were meant to have taken in the whole of 2006 is pretty small in comparison to how many animals a regular shelter has pass through its doors in a single year. If PETA were taking in everyday abandonment cases don't you think the number would be in the hundreds of thousands due to their funding and profile? They are obviously taking in the extreme cases related to their campaigns not just Fido who got too big for his owners to look after..

    Who exactly published those websites which have been mentioned in response to this question?? I would be interested to know.  Do they have a vested interest in making PETA seem like the bad guy ie a company such as IAMS or KFC who PETA have long campaigned against?? or a group like the Hunters Association of America??

  5. Recently, some groups have made misleading claims about PETA’s euthanasia rate compared to the rates of various animal shelters. One such group is the deceitfully named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF)—a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters that kill millions of animals every year. These companies are worried about the strides that PETA is making that are changing their industries and compelling them to take animal welfare concerns seriously. They hope to scare people away from supporting PETA by misrepresenting the vital work that PETA does for animals. To learn more about CCF, see these sites:




    PETA does not run an adoption facility (it refers most adoptable animals to well-known shelters with a high rate of public traffic). For many of the animals PETA does accept—such as those who are severely injured, aggressive, or otherwise unadoptable—PETA is often a “shelter of last resort,” offering a humane death to animals who would otherwise suffer a slow and painful end.

    Many of the animals PETA receives are broken beings for whom euthanasia is, without a doubt, the most humane option. One examplle: When a power-line transformer explosion burned a flock of starlings, PETA was the only agency to come to the birds’ aid and offer the animals a painless escape from their suffering.

    Unlike “no-kill” shelters, PETA does not refuse animals simply because euthanasia is the only humane option for them. Many of the animals PETA takes in are given to PETA because they have been rejected by other facilities. Many people contact PETA when they can't afford a vet to euthanize their sick animals or if the animals would suffer excessively being transported.

    When you see people bashing PETA, consider the source. Many profit from animal exploitation in some way, whether they're breeders, furriers, or restaurant owners.

  6. i don't know the stats but i know they do euthanize.  a friend of a friend applied to work for/with them and one of the questions they asked her is if she is for/against euthanizing and seh said against and they said that wouldn't work bc they euthanize.

  7. PETA addresses so much more than just the extreme way animals are treated (which unfortunately is a constant, day in and day out thing).

    In fact, the industry is so bothered by it that they started trying to address PETA in deceptive, rumor-mongering ways which includes the ridiculous PETA "kills" site that often gets stated on Y!A as a "source" (in fact the same PETA haters seem to answer all the PETA related questions on Y!A).

    So it's the scam astroturf organizations created by the industry and a lobbyist for those industries spreading the rumors about PETA.

    The background info on that is:

    Peta Kills, Activist Cash, Animal Scam are all industry groups in sheep's clothing from the same money making DC industry lobbyist. Those are Rick (Richard) Berman groups, under "Center for Consumer Freedom" aimed at discrediting and marginalizing organizations such as PETA. Among some of their other pursuits is Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Greenpeace and more. In fact, anything that opposes his clients including cigarette companies.

    Who does Berman work for? He works for Monsanto, The meat, dairy, restaurant industries, the fishing industry, Wal-Mart, Tyson, Cargill, Dean Foods, big tobacco, the soda industry and the beer and alcohol industry among others.

    Some of his scamming astroturf groups?

    Center for Consumer Freedom Umbrella:

    *   activistcash dot com

    *   cspiscam dot com

    *   physicianscam dot com

    *   fishscam dot com

    *   neoprohibition dot com

    *   animalscam dot com and petakillsanimals dot com

    *   obesitymyths dot com

    The Employment Policies Institute

    American Beverage Institute

    Employment Roundtable

    Center for Union Facts

    Employee Freedom Action Committee

    Isn't it funny he names his groups after scam so much since he is such a scammer? It's an abusive tactic where those who are the most guilty point at others. The other goofy thing is he claims to reveal funding for other groups (with his special spin) but won't let anyone see his own funding.

    Notice how if you do a search on PETA anywhere who the sponsors are of the search or the questions here even.

    In fact, I just found one of the tag team postings of Berman's group a few days ago on the Boston Globe website. David Martosko works for Berman's scam operations as the "Director of Research" and is actually in the Penn & Teller anti-Peta episode (that Penn & Teller are that easily manipulated and/or in the pockets of big industry and helping them to play us for fools has caused me to lose all respect for them -- better fools than tools).

    Under Dave Martosko who is mocking Greenpeace at the Boston Globe is a comment by Gavin Gibbons commenting for the National Fisheries Institute which is another industry front group. He is ironically attempting to throw doubt on a poster by saying that poster is making ad hominems even as his buddy Dave above has made one after another about Greenpeace. This time they're trying to obscure the issue of the collapse of the fish stocks in our oceans but they've also been very active trying to get people to believe there is no fish and mercury issues or PCBs/Dioxins (Monsanto deals) in fish and they've even tried to convince pregnant women that the harm from mercury isn't worth having mentally delayed children (trying to scare us) which they say can be avoided by eating even more fish (on that one they tried to claim the March of Dimes was behind them but the March of Dimes had no idea and was not impressed about being co-opted).

    See, they can't fight the groups like PETA and Greenpeace on facts so they try to do it through mocking. That the industries would resort to these tactics shows just how much more scummy they are and how afraid they are you'll find out the truth about how they work.

    Richard Berman is known as Dr. Evil, or as I like to call him, Beezlebub. He starts "charitable" groups such as Obesity Myths, or Fish Scam then solicits donations via advertising while spreading the ideas the industries want you to believe. It's all about deception and you are the target, played for a fool and then become the victim.

    But then it gets even worse. The "charities" which get most of their money from the industries themselves such as Phillip Morris and Coca-Cola, then hire Richard Berman's consulting group, Berman & Co. to put together the campaigns. So, essentially he has drummed up his own business out of scamming all while manipulating the government rules, tax structures and the general public.

    Berman's group under an entirely new incarnation has even been caught in the last few weeks spreading rumors in an attempt to get Gordon Smith re-elected as a senator not just prior to the primaries but the day after with full page ads in newspapers across Smith's home state trying to obscure truth about Smith's opponent with false accusations and associations.

  8. unfortunately, yes

    i used to support them

  9. Sarah P, Silver, and thea need to take their blinders off! Obviously they've fallen for PETA's facade.

    For the truth, check out the GOVERNMENT documents that collects their information from. Real sources, not the biased sources that PETA uses to try to justify themselves.

    Research it for yourself! Don't beleive some brain washed PETA-bots.

  10. Animal Welfare: Reinforces the idea that "kinder, "gentler" exploitation is ok.

    Animal Rights: Is the only way any true progress will be made.

    PETA, although they claim to be for "total animal liberation" are a welfare group (as seen by their "victory" over KFC)

    The encouraging the use of more "humane" animal products (such as free range, CAK etc) only re-reinforces the idea that animal exploitation is ok and makes it more profitable for the companies involved. The "Kinder, gentler" exploitation mentioned above is not the answer and, if anything, only encourages more animal use.

    For any of you concerned that supporting animal rights means supporting the extinction of your loved companion animals, scroll down Gary's FAQ page until you find the question on dogs and cats. He's a lot more eloquent than I am!

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