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Wouldn't you Rightie guys be calling that "Traitorous?" And "Un-American?"





  1. no. do some research on the party she belonged to, it was right wing and patriotic. just the opposite of left wing anti american.

  2. Did you even bother to actually listen to all the videos?  Yes she may have been part of the AIP, and probably still believes in the core values of the AIP.  Do you know what they are?  Not Secession.  So she still believes in the AIP.  Not every member of a political party believes blindly in every goal that their party as a whole has.  I.E. The Democratic party is a anti-gun party.  But some members dont support the anti-gun movement.  Like Brian Schweitzer of Montana, Dem from Montana, Beverley Perdue, Dem from N Carolina, Jo Manchin, Dem from West Virginia, and John P Murtha, yes Murtha is a dem from Pennsylvania who is pro gun.  And the same is true for the Repub party.  I.E. Mike Castle, Rep from Delaware is anti-gun and d**k Zimmer, Rep from New Jersey is also anti-gun.  So do any from the side of the aisle consider the stand that a few of there party members have as anti American?  I dont.  They are standing for what they believe in.  In short, the blind trolls who believe everyone who doesnt believe what they believe are wrong.  Its called America folks, its the differences of opinions and the ideals that are brought forward an voted on that make us strong.  She is no more anti-American than the Libs beloved Obama.  And I cant stand him.  But that doesnt make him less capable to lead America.  The election will tell who we believe is the more capable candidate.

  3. Ah someone with a brain too.  Nice to see!

    Be careful they will punish you the only way they know deleting your account.

    Good thing we can outsmart them that way too.

  4. But she's probably will to put America into World War III (along with McCain)

    because part of Georgia wants to opt out !!!

  5. here is the note on the web link

    Warning: The Content in this Article May be Inaccurate

    so no!

  6. I don't think it really matters what organization she joined. She's a power hungry prostitute who would readily join the ACLU as easily as the n**i Party - if it gave her a step up in a position of authority. The woman clearly has issues with her past, and joins whatever shady club she feels will give her a sense of legitimacy and social standing.

    She's the type who will always go for positions she perceives has the most power, and would make a formidable force for the right wing, neo conservative, religious fundamentalists that blight America's landscape. She would make America's children the most ignorant people on earth if she ever had any influence.

  7. Just when I thought, Gee the liberals cannot post anything more stupid today, you surprised me with this drug induced c**p. Obama called, he wants to smoke a rock with ya.

  8. Yes this is true. She was a member right up to the time she became a republican.

  9. according to this:

    yes she did

  10. She belonged to a group - not sure how formally organized they were - who wanted Alaska to have the *right* to secede.  It isn't clear whether they supported actually doing so.

    Update:  Apparently the main issue was returning the 70% of Alaska under federal control, to the control of the state.  This is also an issue in states such as Nevada, New Mexico, and a few others where much of the land is under federal control.  It was never a declared goal to secede, except as a last resort.

  11. u r absolutely correct.can u imagine what the right wing would say if obama had that in his background

  12. Not sure. Is it true that Obama belonged to a church whose pastor is hate filled and racist?

  13. and in Vietnam Mccain said the same thing that he hated america the Republicans did an excellent job in picking these two clowns!

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