
Is it true that Pampers is going to introduce a Carey Price inspired line of diapers?

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I have to make fun of my team from time to time.




  1. Price's Pampers for your Pi$$ers and your moaners...

  2. Don't diss your own team, that's so not cool.

    The diapers are for Darcy Tucker and they are making tampons for Sean Avery!

  3. Wait..are u sure they didnt pick Chelios?

  4. Yes, and an old person's "depends" competitor for Kolzig called Ollie, Ollie, oops...for accidental poops

  5. Carey Price is gonna be the NHL's first oversized baby in the league?Grats for him.

    It's gonna feel very uncomfortable with all that padding and gear on.

  6. they better add 3" to the web cause that p**s pocket leaks

  7. Yeah, Carey always complained the other brands gave him diaper rashes, so their customizing diapers for him in order to avoid his bitching.

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