
Is it true that Prince Charles wears plastic socks and cooking foil underpants?

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Is it true that Prince Charles wears plastic socks and cooking foil underpants?




  1. Yes, of course.

    And Tony Blair and George Bush used to bring their cats and a shelf to every conference.

  2. Still looking for attention I see.Not much happening in your little brain is there.Edit .....Namlevram why don't you crawl back under the rock.

  3. As a loyal subject, I consider it my solemn duty to continue to refute your wicked, seditious allegations.

    The facts are clear, our beloved king-in-waiting has never worn plastic socks. When dressed in a business suit, the Prince wears socks of material woven from pure Camillachest hair. When his highness retires to bed for the night, his bed-socks are of Oldbagpubes wool.

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