
Is it true that Robert Mugabe was born in Yorkshire as his last name is actually E-BA-GUM spelt backwards.?

by Guest59140  |  earlier

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Is it true that Robert Mugabe was born in Yorkshire as his last name is actually E-BA-GUM spelt backwards.?




  1. No.

  2. Aye, lad, 'is dad were a coal miner !

  3. It's a pity that you did not post this yesterday. Would have been a great April Fool joke.

    Very funny

  4. A cracker!!! should have gone in jokes made me laugh any way.

  5. He is actually the son of Ali Bageum from Bangladesh who came over to work in the mills of Bradford in 1967. He is the 3rd of 11 children and was educated in the UK. He left for Zimbawae after meeting some radicals in London. But he had already been radicalised when he was refused membership of the Harrogate Golf club because of his colour. So when he was offered the chance to kick the whiteman's rear, he jumped for it and flew to Zimbawae.

    Anyone knows why there are no black lamas in Yorkshire?

  6. You know I've never thought of that before but now you mention it he was almost certainly born there I would imagine.

  7. NO! its not true.

  8. Yes it's true, he was born in etagorraH.

  9. Brilliant! I shall be sure to pass your wisdom on chuck!

  10. bye eck that made me chuckle!!

  11. That is really funny !

  12. That is hilarious!

  13. Yep!

  14. Is it true that Robert Mugabe was born in Yorkshire as his last name is actually E-BA-GUM spelt backwards.?

    yes, of course it is true.

    He first won a hard fought election in Zimbabwe against Bishop Abel Muzorewa - which is an anagram of "Whoops A Rule Zimbabwe"

  15. That's as may be - but he is a UK trained barrister.  When Zimbabwe finally throw him out, we could give him a job as a High Court judge - he's just about old enough.

  16. that was clever of you to spot that,i am impressed ,i am gonna give you a star

  17. Naw - He born in de Black Country.

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