
Is it true that Russia is sending some of its navy toward Iran?

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am i wrong or are they deploying there navy elsewhere? also if someone could provide a link to some info.




  1. The Russian Navy has absolutely no ability to operate away from their home waters for any length of time.  They have never been able to do it.  If they are sending units to Iran then you can bet they'll have to anchor or tie up in an Iranian port.

  2. I can't provide a link, but currently Iran and Russia are firm allies. On top of this, they do training excercises together. The Georgia conflict could be a catalyst to a wider conflict in the are between Russia/Iran and their allies against the majority of Western supported countries.

  3. No, the united states is sending a huge naval fleet towards iran. It could be used on iran or russia. Russia is tough, but it is not stupid. The united states will open up a can of whoop *** on russia if it got in the way of the united states bombing iran. And just go to google and type up, "United States Naval Fleet heading toward Iran, I think it was Saudi Arabia who leaked the info. Then it just spread like wild fire.

  4. They were slated to take part in some war games...funny - I thought they would have sent their regrets instead of showing up. Must go googling this.  

  5. Not sure but wouldn't be surprised since  the U.S. is sending a couple more ships to the Persian Gulf- it's greatest build-up.  Here is an article from the ICH-news you won't see on CNN-anyway, you can subscribe to it- it is free info that you won't hear in the U.S. media.

  6. they could do that. look if you all do your reasearch you would remember that we were attacked in 9-11 by terrorists that were funded by iran, iraq, syria and supported by russia and china. weapons, money, oil and natural gas deals concerning these countries have been done since 9-11 for venezuela, iran from russia. its more about oil and natural resources for russia than it is for the u.s. look at gas prices. even though exxon has record profits, (if they have a profit margin on an amount, the amount goes up with the same profit margin of course they make more)they want the caspian sea area so they have a monopoly of natural resourses to seal to europe to build  up their country. putin wants the old ussr back. i'm am convinced. putin worked for boris yeltzin and yeltzin pushed him to be president. yeltzin was in trouble, putin was pushed to power and putin exxonnerated yeltzin. Russia will protect iran due to the fact of oil deals that are benifiting russia. Russia knows that they cannot beat nato and the u.s so they are branching out for allies and suppling them. 9-11 woke up the u.s.goverment because of the damage its done to the economy. pressure put on our economy are still happening w/ russia. against us. the war in iraq is not causing our economy to crumble, it is the alliance against us switching to the euro insted of the dollar for oil transactions that is hurting us. there will be a war and it all has to do with the pressure other countries, mainly russia and middle east countries, against our system. the u.s is at a crossroads and russia and iran knows it. ww3 may not break out soon but its going to happen. ask yourself, why are we still in iraq. we are in a perfect stratigic postion for iran and russia w/ acsses to supplies for the war. ww3 is in the making. just pay attention.    u.s., australia, japan, south korea, india, china, nato, old soviet republics vs. russia, north korea, venezuala, iran, pakistan, much of africa. (china will unify taiwan through talks) china is pissed at russia for the media coverage away from the olympics due to russias war with georgia. china will side with us because of the iraqi oil deal. SAVE THIS BECAUSE I WILL BE RIGHT.  

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