
Is it true that Sarah Palin has never been outside the USA except for Canada?

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Is it true that Sarah Palin has never been outside the USA except for Canada?




  1. No it is not true, she has been to German, Iraq and Kuwait.

    I would speculate that the majority of the people in the US have never been outside of its borders.

  2. No that is not true... She has been to Germany to visit wounded soldiers.

  3. Been to the Middle East.

  4. just goes to show you how people can be misinformed...

  5. Sarah Palin had to make executive decisions, while Obama was just a team player,Senators and Congressmen are team players, Governors are decision makers. That is why most former Presidents were Governors

  6. no....she was in Iraq visiting the troops....and she didn't need a Hollywood production crew with her to cover the event...

  7. I'm sure she goes where the oil is, or she wouldn't have been nominated

  8. I believe she was in either Iraq or Kuait last year.

  9. She was in Iraq and Kuwait last year.

  10. Who cares-she obviously cares more about America than Obama who wants to make himself look like a movie star.He makes me sick.I am glad Palin is running-finally a candidate with morals.

  11. She has been to Iraq and Kuwait. She has also visited troops in Germany.

    The thing is, being on a government guided tour of a place doesn't give you insight into the culture of a place.

    People are trying to compare the experience (and the lack thereof) of Obama and Palin, but the thing is that the QUALITY of experience is different. Just because you have executive experience as the mayor of a town of 6700 people or as governor of a state of 600000 people does not mean that that experience is at all relevant or applicable to the business of international affairs and Realpolitik.

  12. And that's different than the 90% of Americans who've not gone abroad, how?

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