
Is it true that Sarah Palin rejects the theory of evolution, and is a creationist?

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Is this true, or is that just an e-mail rumor? If it's true - ouch! Will she turn America into a nationwide Kansas?




  1. its true that she is a creationists - but she said she would not use creationism as a litmus test for the state school board.

  2. I hope she is intelligent enough not to swallow the theory of evolution which is so far-fetched that if it weren't force fed to children throughout elementary school, it would never be believed.

  3. She's a christian, just like Obama and McCain, who ALL believe in creation. Sad you have to bring this up to put her "down."

  4. Yes, although she waffles some.  Her idea of teaching them side by side has been decisively rejected by courts.  Either she's ignorant of the law, or chooses to flout it.

  5. there is a simple answer to that don't vote for MCcain

  6. Absolutely...Palin has been quoted during the gubernatorial debates as wanting creationism taught in public schools.  I attached the link below.....

  7. Her Wikipedia profile states that as Governor of Alaska she pushed to have creationism taught alongside evolution in Alaska schools.

  8. As a Christian that is a Scientist... not to be confused with a Christian Sceintist though...

    It is possible to believe in the Creation AND accept evolution.... it's called the Old Earth Theory which is becoming more and more widely accepted by those that are Christians...

  9. Shes a Christian, of course she believes in Creation.

    If Obama claims to be Christian, he should be in favor of creation as well.

  10. Unfortunately she is a creationist and feels that public schools should teach creation along side evolution. The Problem with this is that is presents creation on the same level with evolutionary science which is not the case. This issue is not between to equal sides but rather two different contexts science and religion. The constitution requires a separation between church and state. Evolution is science and belongs in the biology class. Creation is religion and belongs in a church. Sarah Palin as a elected official has sworn to defend the constitution but chooses the bible over the constitution in this case. Ultimately this is a waste of time and money to appease people who are irrational and narrow minded and the only result is just like dover. Who has the scientific proof.  

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