
Is it true that Sarah Palin thinks the Earth is flat?

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I heard some rastafarian dude in the mall saying that she wants to teach in schools that the Earth is flat! How can we allow someone this crazy to become a heartbeat away from being President?




  1. No.

  2. Wow - if they are elected, it makes me really think twice about living in this country......

  3. How do you know for sure the Earth isn't flat, Mr. Science?

    C'mon, the moon landing was faked, so all those photos showing a round earth are probably some government project, designed to keep us ignorant and placated.

    I think that not only is the earth flat, but also hollow.  Think about it; it's been raining since the dawn of history, so if the earth weren't flat, eventually all that rain water would flood the entire earth.

    The earth has to be hollow.  There's no alternate explanation about where all that oil comes we pump out of the ground.  I think there is a secret civilization living in the center of the earth, where there are rubies and diamonds as big as basketballs, and endless sunshine from an inner-core sun.  These hollow-earth dwellers manufacture oil so that we won't get too curious about deeper exploration, and discover their hidden paradise.

    Heck, if Sarah Palin thinks the Earth is flat, she's a frickin' genius.

  4. She wants Creationsim taught in schools; which is akin to thinking the earth is flat. It's very sad, that's all I can say.  

  5. No.  C'mon, you're just venting your Republican angst.

  6. Ok, let me get this straight....You get your information from a rastafarian guy at a mall?????

  7. you are even crazier to believe it

  8. No, that it not true. Sen. John Kerry called her a member of the "flat-Earth caucus" for her conservative views , that's how the silly rumors started.

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