
Is it true that Sarah Palin wanted Alaska to secede from the union???

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According to Wikipedia: Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party, which has as its main goal a vote to determine whether or not Alaska should secede from the United States. Palin and her husband were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla.




  1. Being a state of the union was the best thing that ever happened to Alaska. Alaska is effectively a welfare state. The US subsidizes nearly everything in Alaska, remember the bridge to nowhere? Including military protection.

    Independent Alaska would have no protection against any attempt to annex them by Canada or Russia. Whether Palin was involved in the movement can probably be determined by the support and votes the position was worth. We are talking about politicians. They positions are subjective, determined by the time and place.

  2. Wikipedia?! You can only use Wikipedia if you know something about the subject and you know the details are right. Otherwise, using Wikipedia is risky. Have you read what contributors have said about Bush? It's almost like using YouTube for facts.

    It's nice that you guys have started on another rumor, though.  

  3. Keep quoting Wiki,They will take you to the funny Farm,

  4. The plot thickens!

    This election really is a soap opera isn't it?  

    Quick where's my popcorn?

  5. Here is some good information on this, including a link to a youtube clip of her message to the AIP's convention this year.

    Edited to add: This is from ABC News.

  6. It's looking like it is true.  Check out this link to ABC news

  7. Wikipedia is not a reputable source.  Anyone with a vendetta can edit a profile in any way they please.

    In the unlikely event it is true, it is merely a convention to determine IF Alaska should secede.  Vermont has a similiar party (I live in New York but in the shared NY/VT market of Burlington, VT).  Given the time frame you mention, it's probably just some people that were ashamed of President Clinton , just like those Vermonters are ashamed of President Bush.

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