
Is it true that Scottish kings always employed English pipers?

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Is it true that Scottish kings always employed English pipers?




  1. I believe so Just as a side line Cpt. Mainwaring in Dads Army also played the pipes much to Pvt Fraizer's surprise

  2. no

  3. Wouldn't surprise me; the Scots stole our bag pipes

  4. - billlucas14all "And the last Scottish "King" was ?"

    The same time as the last English "King" you idiot! Better do some research billlucas14all. The King of Scotland also became the King of England.

  5. And the last Scottish "King" was ?

  6. Not always,  but many English Kings and Queens had Scots guards.

  7. Thought it was our pipers who employed Scottish kings

  8. Not bagpipers surely?

  9. dont like the scots.....if your not scottish they dont like you.....bunch of kidies

  10. Yes it is true.

  11. aye toilet drain cleaning pipers

  12. Whether English pipers regularly played for the Scottish kings isn't known, but the most famous reference is from the accounts of James IV of Scotland in 1489 - a payment for English pipers playing at the gate of Edinburgh Castle:  

    'To Inglis pyparis that com to the castel yet (gate) and playit to the king, viii £, viii s.'

    In other words,

    'To English pipers that came to the castle gate and played to the king,  eight pounds and six shillings.'

    This was a considerable sum of money.  They must have been good!

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