
Is it true that Scottish make the worst mothers?

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Someone was just telling me that they really don't care about their kids, especially as far as keeping them healthy goes.




  1. Look I am English but I know some Scottish mothers and they love their children fiercely, you can not generalise about a nation of people, are you exactly the same as all the people you know? no!!!!.... I didn't think you would be, so I think you will find your statement about Scottish mothers is untrue.

  2. what are you talking about

  3. Keep them off the crack & Buckfast (mums)

    & they will be sort of ok.

    But when they get into the big school

    forget it !!

  4. You really shouldn't believe all you hear. That is a stupid ill informed statement and before you say something similar in future you should check out the facts first.  

  5. that's just rude...

  6. Why is everyone being rude to this guy? He is ASKING, he has not said ' Scottish women make bad mums' some people dont know what YA is.

    It stand for Yahoo! Answers.

    Ignore the answers babe, I dont know any Scottish people, but im sure its one of those things like you always here 'All women are.....' 'All black people are.........'

    So im sure there are good ones and bad ones!!!!!!


  7. That someone knows how to make big statements. There are mothers of all races nationalities cultures ethnicities who do not make great mothers. This is BROAD.  

  8. Scottish mothers are like all other mothers, there are good ones and bad ones.

  9. You are seriously stupid!

    That's a horrible thing to say there are plenty of Englishh/American ETC. Mothers who are Bad Mothers it has nothing to do with Nationality if you can care for your Children. I am Scottish as is my Mother/Grandmothers and they are amazing Mothers. I am completely offended by what you have just said.

    Please do not post your ill informed comments.

    Ashley x3

  10. No the french do.

  11. I am really offended by this.  I am a mum from Scotland and I am proud to say that my son is healthy, happy and sharp as a pin.  He recently started school and I am amazed how well he is doing.  Of course there are problems with parents here as there are everywhere, but on the whole we do the best we can for our kids.  Clearly, this someone has no idea what they are talking about.

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