
Is it true that Spain conquered must of Italy

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  1. some of it, yes

  2. You're thinking specifically about the Kingdom of Naples, aka the Kingdom of the Two Sicily's. It was formed up by Sicily and southern Italy and was founded by the Norman's in the 11th century, the same guys that won the battle of Hastings in 1066.

    Sicily became a source of contention for the rulers of the Kingdom of Aragon, who ruled in Eastern Spain (the Catalans mentioned in the previous answer). They had family ties to the throne of Sicily, and forcibly imposed them. Before 1492, it was the policy of the Catalans to look eastward into the Mediterranean rather than West to the Americas. They expanded into Sardinia and Corsica, and even had a large impact in Greece and the Balkans. All in an attempt to break into the lucrative eastern trade. Italy was just a part of that plan.

  3. Yes, a long time ago. Back in the 15 and 1600's.

  4. yes, they also conquered barcelona. barcelona used to be its own country until Spain conquered it. people who live there would consider themselves Catalan and not Spanish.

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