
Is it true that Tarmogoyf and other timespiral cards going to reprinted in the future? How? Why?

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Is it true that Tarmogoyf and other timespiral cards going to reprinted in the future? How? Why?




  1. That was the idea when Future Sight came out.  Time Spiral brought cards from the past into the present.  Planar Chaos brought cards from the past but updated them to see what could have been.  And Future Sight takes things from the Future and brings them into the present.  We have seen a couple of cards already pop up in Lorwyn block.  So technically, we would see them again.  But from the way Tarm has been running the tournaments lately, he may not be back.  And if he does come back, then he would probably be a "mythic" rare.

    On a side note:  I hate that they are making "mythic rares".  It makes it sound so much like YGO.

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