
Is it true that Yahoo! is shutting down 360? Why??

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Is it true that Yahoo! is shutting down 360? Why??




  1. it might be true

    and due for some unethical people who abuse this service by putting unethical pictures and im with Yahoo to shut down the 360 if its going to be used in a bad ways

  2. Because they are switching over to mash because they said they are targeting a younger user base. Most yahoo 360 people have moved over to

    EDIT:         LOOK PEOPLE  If you would just read the yahoo 360 teams blog they told everyone about this in OCTOBER!!! It's all right there. And I'm sick of listening to all you stupid people going on and on about how you don't think they would do that without notification. They gave you notification they told you they were going to shut down, the smart population of yahoo 360 read the blog and moved!!! If you are not smart enough to actually read what they post I don't think we need you over at multiply. So just stay here asking each other if it's true or not, but not for to long because they have said that they are closing Yahoo Answers also.

  3. no, this is not true

  4. Not sure, but will check back to see the responses.

  5. Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. There has not been a more specific date announced on the blog yet, so it could happen any time between January and end of March 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. It likely will not be called 360 anymore, so yes, it's closing in a sense. See for more details. The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about those.

    As for the "why" part, please see my past answer here:;...

    NOTE: They are not switching over to Y!Mash. They are using the same platform/system as Y!Mash so that the new product has more coding flexibility. But it will not be the Y!Mash as we know it now. The 360 team blog states that clearly as well.

  6. Hey Rita, I'm with you for the most part, but I did make the move over to Multiply months ago when I first heard of this. (I thought it was supposed to be gone by "early 2008" anyway). However, I HATE Multiply!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There aren't many choices in your settings to keep all those freaks out...and it is in now way as closed off as 360. Its like a mature MySpace and I hate it. However, hi5 is pretty good. Theres the one for Google, too. But  there is no way on Multiply to keep unwanteds out of your business except make sure to mark everything private. I have people connected to me 5-6 lines down through my friends and I dont like that.

    But yeah, ppl....this is really old news. Catch up. 360 should have been gone by now. I love Yahoo...but this move has *really* pissed me off!

  7. Somewhat.  Here is the link to the 360 Question and Answer.

  8. not that i am aware of. i believe if it was going to shut down you would receive an email about it. don't believe everything you read unless it is from the company itself.

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