
Is it true that a few people have been awarded well earned top contributor badges.?

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no way gemma you need to give a high percentage of top answers




  1. don't worry mine did not last long !

    this is a new account biker7 has the orange sash

    account suspended !

    Account suspension notice emailMonday, 18 August, 2008 7:19 PM

    From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Yahoo! Answers" <>Add sender to Contacts To:

  2. Richard, I have earned my 'Sunset Strip' by serving in active duty of the Yahoo question and answers Scottish Football Section. I wear it with pride and anyone who is not proud of these achievements is not fit to wear that badge.

    It is an honour and a privilege to have one and many great people have worn said same badge before me, it is my duty to perform in attitude and grammar, to fulfil with the very utmost in endeavour and maintain the proud traditions of those gone but not forgotten.

    Thank-you from this very proud TOP CONTRIBUTOR.

  3. hey bluebell just thought i would pop in to make it 3 wee sunset strips in a row teehee don't worry richard you will get one soon

  4. I think it's true that you need a high percentage of best answers.

    Thomas you do deserve your badge,your stats are good and even most of the Rangers supporters like you.Biker,you are being singled out for speaking your mind,but I know it's only a minor annoyance to you.I would have chucked it by now if they kept on doing it to me.i've had a few questions and answers reported but not that many.

  5. i dont think i deserved one but then again i did not want one in the first place

    aw look at bluebell wearing her wee sash u got anything else on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    forgot to add cant wait to hear chas excuse for having one

  6. Thomas, Gemma you look good in the sash, what's your mother lodge?

  7. They just get handed out randomlly I reckon, my tangerine scarf is in the wash this week.

  8. a thought there was only one top contributor,and i would not be surprised if biker has a double account,but if not here's a thumbs up bear on a bike.

    i dont want one as i do not want to ask a lot of questions,but i do like havin a think about what's in front of me and replying.

    you'll get a band before me hopefully,

  9. aye you did thomas..stop love your wee orange band..admit it..:-)

  10. Ah the sash of shame topic again,and let me say wee bmx bikey fae the Strone lost his for something he did at one of the leather wearing g*y biker parties but we try not to talk or indeed think of

  11. I ask way to many questions to ever get one hence why i call it the orange badge of gayness if i ever get one it'll be the tangerine badge of pride.

    There are alot of top conts in here bwahaha

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