
Is it true that a peacock is a good watch bird?

by Guest21285  |  earlier

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Is it true that a peacock is a good watch bird?




  1. they are mainly just loud, guineas and geese are better, geese will even attack intruders, also friends and family.

  2. YES!! But they can also be a huge pest. They are loud and territorial (usually of your porch, which they will p**p all over), But if you can deal with that, they really are good watch birds.  

  3. They're pretty, but noisy. I can hear my neighbor's, and she lives over the hill and a mile from here. Geese also are good, as are turkeys and guineas. But I wouldn't go with a peacock, they are the loudest of any. And they don't make that noise to tell you about a danger. They do it to announce territory ownership.

  4. well yes in a way

    when it sees something not normal it will do its screeching call.

    But geese are better watch birds mine are brilliant

    although they are pets and very friendly to me (one even sits on my lap)

    but the dominant gander rudolph will attack any stranger that isn't with me.

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