
Is it true that a student with surname PATEL will going to NJ or NY for study then Visa will be rejected?

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Is it true that a student with surname PATEL will going to NJ or NY for study then Visa will be rejected?




  1. i doubt it. govt funded schools are equal opportunity

  2. Your question is confusing. I'm guessing that English isn't your first language. Are you asking if it's true that a student named Patel will have their Visa rejected? This doesn't make any sense.   Are you talking about a student Visa?

    There are many, many people in the US with the surname of Patel.  It's a common name for people from India.

  3. oo Yea dude.. if your name is Patel first they will actually allow you to get on the plane, then bring you to Ellis Island outside NY.  then they will put you there and strip search you.  then your going to guantanamo bay  and will be put on a balloon and sent to alkatraz.  where you shall spend some time and will be tested upon your patience and humanity and all the knowledge you gained from the great Mahatma Gandhi.  Once you pass all that you will be taken to cali and shipped back and sent to japan and from there u will make it back to india. but if your nice to them and just reply Thank you Come again, may be they'll jus let u into NY where u can get all em bitchez and hoez.

  4. Hmm. I am going to assume several things in order to answer your question as best as I can.

    If you need a visa to study in the United States then you are trying to get an F-1 student visa.

    You can be rejected by the school for not having the required academic level. You can also be rejected by the school after academic acceptance if you can not prove that you are able to financially provide for your schooling in the United States.

    Even if you are about to prove the above and you get your I-20 from your school, you can still be rejected entry by the American consulate in your area. The rejection can be for any reason because they will not tell you why you were rejected. If you are rejected, you have to wait several months and try again.

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