
Is it true that a woman is already halfway in love with any man who listens to her ???

by  |  earlier

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I once heard this..




  1. Pipe down.  The game is on.

  2. It's true if the women is starved for male attention.

  3. I have never heard such drivel in my life.  ANY MAN WHO JUST LISTENS? Please, give me a break.  Us men who are not rich and/or famous know that we have to do more than just listen.  

  4. No because if that were true, all those nice guys who are always there for the girls they like wouldn't be stuck in the Friend Zone.

  5. I pray to god this is true.

  6. I once heard that a big man lives in the sky and controls every living thing in the universe...hearing something doesn't exactly make it true, now does it?

  7. What was that? I didn't hear you.

  8. NO certainly not. Love takes time and you have to see actions to know it's love.

  9. i dont know, you tell me O.O

  10. Certainly not true. Ask all of the poor b@stards who are labeled nice and trapped in the friend zone who listen to women whine and complain about the guys who don't listen but yet are still banging them.

  11. No

  12. I believe that is right. I adore a guy who listens to me intently.

  13. if he listens in a conversation and when I rant then he has made it 1/4 of the way into my heart. :)

  14. That's not true at all.  Any person who listens to me automatically gains a greater amount of respect from me, but in no way am I close to being in love with the person.

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