
Is it true that adolescents should get more sleep than children and adults?

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I understand, they have to grow a lot, but does this have to do with how late they're staying up?




  1. It doesn't have to do with how late they are staying up, but teenagers do need more sleep because when they are in elementary school they dont have as much pressure and arent as stressed but once you enter high school its a really big change and it really wears them out but by the time they are adults they are used to how things work and dont get stressed as easily anymore

  2. that is true, but in reality, we probably get less. we're suppoesd to get 9.25 hours of sleep everynight.

  3. I stay up late because I have insomnia

    but I always wake up around 9.30am so im not too bad

  4. If they stay up late their gonna wake up later making them have more energy to stay up late again, it keeps going in a cycle like this. Its true that they should get more sleep cause they're growing

  5. Yeah because we need extra energy because it's being taken away while growing. Because of your internal clock, your body will get all messed up with the times of day. Plus, we're sent to bed early so we get up at a reasonable time during the summer and so we can get up in time for school with enough sleep.

  6. Yes, it's true. They should be getting at least nine hours.

  7. It is true. In some places, the elementry bus comes first, than middle, than high school - but where I live its the opposite.

    Teenagers are not getting enough sleep as the need, though.

  8. Actually, I've heard that too. I think you need a lot of sleep as a baby because you're growing, and a lot of sleep as an adolescent because you're growing so much then too (puberty, growth spurts, etc). Children need sleep too, though. 8-10 hours for a teen is good, I usually get that much anyway 24/7. Sleep is really important for all ages. A bedtime routine is super important (on weekdays, anyway). My routine is reading before I go to bed, then when I'm tired I turn off the light and go to sleep.

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