
Is it true that after 6 months after having mono u still have it but its not contagious?

by Guest60286  |  earlier

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Is it true that after 6 months after having mono u still have it but its not contagious?




  1. The virus can remain in your system for months after contracting the disease, so you are still contagious.  After having symptoms, the virus can go in remission (a lot like the genital herpes virus), and you can still pass it on to another person that has close physical contact with you especially sexual intercourse.  After a long remission you can still have symptom flares ups which tend to be caused by stress.

  2. yes, the virus that causes mono (epstein barr ) stays with you for life. yes you can be reinfected with mono ie flare ups or getting it form another person.

  3. Yes,  you still have the virus in you.  It might flare up occasionally.  It will show up in a blood test that you have had it now.  

  4. Hi. Once you get mono, you'll always have the virus in your system and you'll always test positive for it when you check your blood. But I think you'll only be contagious if the virus is active and you show symptoms. Best is to ask a doctor about this.

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