
Is it true that after getting your tubes tied you regret it?

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I have heard a lot about people wishing they could still have kids but they got their tubes tied. Does anyone argue this or find it to be true?




  1. For the people I know...NOPE!

    If they had as many children as they could handle, there would be no reason to regret it.  I max out at 3, so after that I am done and there will be no regrets.

  2. I know my sister in law got her tubes tied after having my nephew. I also have a niece from my brother and her has well. They know two was enough for them. She did miss having a baby around when I had my second son. Right now I am pregnant with my third. I planning to get my tubes tied but I might regret it. Or I might not. Right now I think three is enough for me for right now.

  3. I know quite a few people who regret getting their tubes tied...the ones I know did it in their 20s b/c they were SURE they didn't want more kids than they had. I personally will never get my tubes tied. I'd rather be on BC for the rest of my life (or until menopause) than have it done. It is a huge decision that you don't really need...IUD last 5-10 years depending on the type and are VERY accurate.


  4. It depends on the person. My mother got her tubes tied after me and has never regretted it. (Or atleast has never admitted to regretting it). But I really don't think she does. She had my brother, then she had me, and that was truly enough for her.  

  5. yea that kinda depends on the person. i mean some pple could be seriously hurt if they have another child, but others could do it spurr of the momment. lyk i said depends on the person.

  6. well in this day and age apparently you can get it reversed same with a guy when he gets the snip snip. but yes i would in some ways regret it if i couldnt go back coz ya never know what the future holds

  7. There are people who end up regretting it, certainly. That's why tubal ligation reversal is a thriving business. However, many women (like myself) do not regret it at all. I'm 25, no kids, and my husband and I never wanted them. After 4 years of marriage we FINALLY convinced a doctor to tie my tubes (got tired of messing around with BC). I didn't just do it on a whim. I thought about it long and hard, and did a lot of research.

    Apparently, those that are most likely to regret it are:

    Young (which granted I am)

    Not married

    Are in a bad relationship/marriage

    Are financially strapped at the moment

    Have had a child die in the last 5 years

    And women who remarry and want to have kids with the new man...

    Since the only thing I am is "young," I figured I was safe. If 4 years of marriage, a wonderful husband whom I love, and being very financially sound wasn't enough to inspire me to have a kid, nothing was going to do it.

    I think, pretty much, that if anyone gets sterilized for any reason other than they do NOT want another child, they run the risk of regret. Also, I bet less people would regret it/ actually go through with it if they did even half the research I did (many books on the subject and psychology articles). Perhaps doctors should put together packets of info with this information for patients when they come seeking sterilization. My save a lot of heart ache in the long run.

    But, I'm still VERY happy I managed to get it done!

    **edit** I also wish doctors would emphasize that tubals are meant to be PERMANENT. Reversals are not always possible or effective. The longer you go with them tied, the worse the chances are you can get it reversed. I don't understand why some people think getting sterilized is like putting a pad lock on a chest. It's not. It's more like welding the chest closed; it may not ever open up properly again.

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