
Is it true that aliens still exist?

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Is it true that aliens still exist?




  1. Define "still".

    If the question was if aliens do exist, here is my answer.

    The short answer is: No one knows.

    No human being has ever come in contact with any extraterrestrial being.

    But what are the chances of any other life existing in the universe? Looking at it mathematically, the chances are great.

    So let's look  at it from square one.

    Leaving religion well out of it, let's calculate the chances of alien existence. There are roughly 400 billion (400 000 000 000) stars in the Milky Way alone. The estimated number of all the galaxies in the universe, calculated by the pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope and multiplied times left out space coverage, is somewhere around a hundred billion (100 000 000 000). Multiplying the estimates, we come up with 4 × 10²² or forty sextillion stars estimated in the universe.

    Here is where it gets tricky. No one has yet been able to calculate how many stars actually have planets orbiting them (how many stars are in solar systems). If each of the stars had the same number of planets on average as our sun, there are 3 200 000 000 000 planets in our galaxy alone, multiplied by the number of galaxies makes the total estimated number of planets in the universe 3.2 × 10²³ (3 200 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 - three septillion, two hundred  sextillion).

    The number is gastronomical. That's what astronomy is all about. So now we have a buhmillion planets. How many of them actually have the basic fundamental attributes to sustain life as we know it?

    Let's first look at what those attributes are:

        * Running water

        * Temperate, stable climate

        * Rich amounts of carbon dioxide and/or oxygen

        * Natural source of nutrients

        * Proportioned atmosphere

        * Stable amounts of gravity

    Each of these criteria are equally important. Running, liquid water is needed. No known types of life can survive only with frozen water. Mars is a keen example. Although there are rich amounts of water on the north and south poles of the planet, no plant or animal life could survive because this water is frozen. Climate is also very important. If a planet is too hot, then life will literally boil. If the planet is too cold, the planet will be a frozen wasteland. So far, the best estimate we have on the temperatures range of a planet needed to sustain life is -50 to 30 degrees centigrade. A stable climate is needed as well.. There are a couple factors that are needed for a stable climate:

        * Slight axial tilt

        * Non-elliptical orbit

        * Fairly thick (yet not too thick) atmosphere

    If the axial tilt is too great, then the seasons will be too extreme. Summer would be extremely hot, and winter would be extremely cold, thus subjecting life to extreme temperature changes over a course of very little time. And elliptical orbit can cause problems too. And elliptical orbit is where a planet takes an oval orbit around its local star other than a simple circle. Pluto has an elliptical orbit. Earth does as well, but it is very slight. Too slight to notice. When a planet has an elliptical orbit, it can get very far away from the local star, and then comes closer, making for a unstable climate. Atmosphere makes a huge difference as well. If an atmosphere is too thick then the rays of their sun will be trapped in the planet, warming it up. If it is too thin, the sun’s heat will not be trapped enough, and as a result, when the planet is not facing the sun, then the planet will be extremely cold, making for yet again, an unstable climate. The atmosphere has to be just right so it absorbs the right amount of sunlight, and releases the right amount of sunlight. If the atmosphere is nonexistent, then not only is there a huge difference in temperature on the planet, but there are also no gasses in the planet such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    Stable amount of gravity is also key. Life adapts to gravity, and their evolved bodies and organs are made specially for the amount of gravity on the planet. If the gravity changes often, usually in the case of a double-planet, then these organs would fail, and the organism probably wouldn’t evolve in the first place.

    Earth is the perfect example of all of these criteria being met down to the last detail. It is the only observed planet in the universe known to have met all of these criteria. We have observed about 307 exo-planets, but none of them are known to have all of these criteria met.

    But that is only 307 of approximately three septillion. If the next, 308. planet we discovered was to meet this criteria, that would put the current, estimated ratio to ⅟₃₀₈ or 0,324675325% of all planets.

    If this was the case, there would be 1,03896104 × 10²² or 10 389 610 400 000 000 000 000 (ten sextillion, three hundred eighty-nine quintillion, six hundred ten quadrillion, four hundred  trillion). acceptable planets. So the number is still HUGE. But the ⅟₃₀₈ ratio we used isn't neccessarily exact.

    Also, life isn't only capable of existing on planets, but also on moons. There are some moons even in our solar system that follow the basic criteria life would need.

    Now in some cases, not all life needs oxygen or carbon dioxide. A while back, a probe dropped off a colony of bacteria on the moon. After a course of a few months, we went back to pick up these bacteria. Although the size of the colony had decreased by 70%, the bacteria did reproduce. Thus proving that certain types of bacteria can survive anywhere.

    Life forms that can survive under such harsh conditions, where we could never imagine life could exist, are called extremophiles.

  2.   As long as there's a universe aliens will exist.

  3. No actual fact has been shown on news or any programs. There is still a myth ... I don't believe in it though.

  4. Still we don't have a proof. But mathematically and circumstancially they do exist.

  5. Yes, there are about 12 million of them living in the United States right now, as we speak.

  6. Yes don't believe the others, they say no but they have no proof.

  7. There is no proof yet, if you are talking about people from other plants. But i do believee. I think that there are other life forms out there wondering if we exist.

  8. I guess so, I mean if we really think of it we are aliens.  If there had been life on the far side of the moon they would have classified us as aliens when we landed there.  It's all relative.

  9. No there all extincted and only we have live here on Earth. :)

    the final sandhill in life  

  10. There may be underwater plants in our own solar system on Europa. They would be considered alien plants.

    Out of the vast universe, I find it hard to believe that Earth is the only body that supports life. I find it even harder to believe that there is intelligent life visiting Earth. I would be surprised if we found intelligent life within 100 light years of this planet.... heck, I'd be satisfied if I found intelligent life on this planet!

  11. that's up to you to decide.

    there are alot of skeptics in this world, but for the most part they are just sheep... following what they believe to be 'the truth'... almost always take the govts. side of things and say 'well they'd never lie or hurt us so they must be telling us the truth'

    in reality it's nothing like that... look back in time... find me ONE govt. who hasn't been proven to decieve it's people in some way or another or at one time or another... infact, let me take that back, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME... because you WON'T... simple as that...

    look through the evidence yourself... explain to me how these things could abrutly reverse course at 10's of thousand of miles an hour when anything organic would smear on the interrior.... modern science can't even get close to replicating this, so IT MUST BE from some other culture... these objects obviously aren't a part of nature... they're metallic and extremely shiney.... nearly any metal you find in the natural universe UNTREATED will rust/degrade.. it will NOT remain shiney (unless you admit these metal craft are coming from outerspace and not from earth.... since space is a vacuum....)

    when someone can explain away all the inconsistencies between obviously man-made craft and UFO's i might refine my thinking.... but until then, i know what i see, and i can look at the evidence myself and deduce there is something there, and that something simply CANNOT be man-made.... they defy the vary laws of physics we have built everything on... if it was known by one person we had this technology, then two would know it, then four and etc til this knowledge was extremely wide spread in just a year or less with today's technology....

    no one claims responsibility for these craft even tho they can out run and out manuver even the most sophisticated aircraft... if a single country possessed this knowledge it sure wouldn't be secret... this information (that an actual country possessed this technology) would completely empower the country that had it.... they would be UNTOUCHABLE nearly... these things could intercept fighter jets at nearly the same time they leave the ******* runway or aircraft carrier.... if any country owned this technology you can bet your ******* *** they would NOT be shy in revealing it is theirs...

    whoever thumbed me down is extremely arrogant...

    out of 125 billion galaxies each containing billions of stars (our sun is ONE star... we don't even know about planets... as far as we know, nearly EVERY star could have it's own solar system) we, WE are the ONLY life out there?

    GIVE ME A ******* BREAK.

  12. Think 4th Reich/New World Order/manipulation of the masses


    Hint: Demons smell like sulfur. Stink!

  13. There can be no answer to this until they come forth & show everyone they're here, or unless *we* go forth and search every planet until we find any.

    Right now, anyone's guess is as good as another's... I'm betting there *are* aliens out there, but... it's just a belief, based on the law of numbers - so many galaxies, so many stars, so many planets... I have no proof, either way.

  14. No, but people have been really conditioned for something for about 60 years now. I smell a rat.

  15. IF Human can exist on this planet-Earth, I think life will be there on other planet in any form either in Micro cells or like as our. I believe that Aliens does exists, in future definatlly we will find them or they will find us.

    According to hitherto unconfirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a carter during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard.

    According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:

    NASA: What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

    Apollo: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!

    In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA," he revealed, "but nobody has talked about it until now."

    Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident. "According to our information, the encounter was reported immediately after the landing of the module," said Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University. "Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the public-because NASA censored it. "

  16. If you are talking about extraterrestrials, you answer is based upon a false premise.  You cannot ask if they "still exist", because they never existed to begin with.

    I will avoid the obvious smart aleck response about non-citizen residents.

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