
Is it true that all Irish people wear green and have pointy ears?

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Is it true that all Irish people wear green and have pointy ears?




  1. No, definently not!

    that is yet another stereotype that America has.

    I'm part Irish, and I had to say it, but I hardly ever wear green. And my ears are just like everyone elses...

    =) hope this helps!

  2. nope

  3. Yes, because we're all leprechauns from descent. To blend in with our countryside, we wear green, and to blend in when we're abroad, we have special latex ear-masks that keep our points down.

  4. Surely you jest?

    Perhaps you're referring to Vulcans in festival attire.

  5. no only in fairy tales

  6. yes it is true. I confess I always wear green and have pointy ears.

    I also say "top of the morning to ya" every day and only eat "corned beef and cabbage"

    I am also drunk all of the time and fight all the time.

  7. it is most definately true, we all get pointy ears around puberty and we all wear green so we can blend in when we are guarding our crock of gold!!

    it is much the same in America where everybody wears cowboy hats and stars and stripes shirts, and they lose their intelligence at puberty

    or in england where they  all wear black suits and hats covered in thousands of little white buttons, and they learn how to start fights outside nightclubs when they reach puberty

  8. You've made a very common mistake. You're thinking of Spock from Star Trek - he was greenish and had pointy ears. I believe this misconception began because he was often found in the company of Mr. Scott - who was, in fact, Scottish. The two nationalities are often confused, due to their common abhorance for england (the sassanachs!) and their love of craic.

  9. NOOOOO!

  10. No just leprechauns.

  11. Tis the truth begorrah

  12. No, but a few pints from the local pub and we look that way to you!

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