
Is it true that all US presidents or there wive's are somehow related to the british/french royal family?

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added after question posted: i've looked up the family tree's and surprisingly most are related dicrectly to either king edward 1 or edward 3, a few to kings in Ierland and the rest to french royalty.

What is most interesting is that almost all are related to each other in someway.

gw bush is like related to alot of them his list is very long!




  1. Since most Americans of British descent seem to be descended from Edward III, it's not surprising if most Presidents and/or theri wives have been.

  2. i read somewhere that princess diana and george w bush were distant cousins

  3. We are all related!

  4. No, Not at all. Thats the whole reason for Govt, of the people by the people.

      Anyone Born in the US as a US citizen can be President if elected.

  5. Wait, WHAT? Bush is related to royalty? So is that why is is soo scewred up? But I always liked roylty.... humm... i'm re-thinking that now!

  6. I think it's true of several presidents but not all.  I believe they traced Washington back to royalty in England.   Funny what the government gives out grants for.

    But, if traced far back enough, I guess everyone is related to Adam and Eve.

  7. yes it is, the same global elite has been ruling humanity for thousands of years, look into david icke.

  8. Not all, but a great many, especially the earlier ones.

    It's because the first immigrants to America were frequently the younger sons of the British nobility.  

    The eldest son inherited the title and lands in Britain, leaving the younger sons to join the clergy, the army, or to immigrate to seek their fortunes.

  9. no.

  10. sometimes it is a coincident and if it is througt that is what u call generational blessing.

  11. I don't think so, but I am not certain either.  You may do the genealogy research if you want to.  None of us are stopping you.

    I saw that some people here didn't quite understand your question.

  12. George Washington (Related to Edward III of England)

    Thomas Jefferson (Related to Edward III of England)

    James Madison (Related to Edward I of England)

    John Quincy Adams (Related to Edward III of England)

    William Henry Harrison (Related to Edward I of England)

    Benjamin Harrison (Related to Edward I of England)

    Zachary Taylor (Related Edward I of England)

    Franklin Pierce (Related to Henry I of England)

    Rutherford Hayes (Related to David I of Scotland)

    Grover Cleveland (Related to Edward I of England)

    Theodore Roosevelt (Related to Edward III of England)

    William Taft (Related to Edward I of England)

    Warren Harding (Related to Ethelred II of England)

    Calvin Coolidge (Related to Henry II of England)

    Herbert Hoover (Related to John of England)

    Franklin Roosevelt (Related to Edward III of England)

    John F Kennedy (Related to Cennedi of Munster)

    Gerald Ford (Related to Edward I of England)

    Ronald Reagen (Related to Cennedi of Munster)

    George H.W. Bush (Related to Edward I of England + Alphonso I of Portugal)

    George W Bush (Related to Edward I of England + Alphonso I of Portugal)

    On top of this 33 presidents can trace their roots back to King Alfred the Great and Charlemagne.

    And these are the men that lecture US about democracy!!

  13. I read this only for family Bush.

  14. NO no no no no

  15. That would be species cross- breeding

  16. no

  17. Yes,it is true,every american president can trace his family tree back to British Royalty.Needless to say,Gerge Dubbya Bush is the runt of the litter.

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