
Is it true that all local councils take backhanders from companies who are after contracts?

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Is it true that all local councils take backhanders from companies who are after contracts?




  1. not   all....there are a lot of genuine contractors out there....but its not 100%

  2. Yes my partner has a heating business and the company he is sub contacting for gave a local council back payments..

    Naughty Naughty

  3. NO

  4. Cant say on here read between the lines.

  5. Probably the majority do.

    Which is why, following the revolution, there will be a new offence of 'Material Corruption in Public Office'. The guilty will be publicly hanged and displayed 'Pour encourager les autres' .

  6. No, but contractors do try it. I was offered a bribe, which I turned down.

  7. Definately not !!

  8. In Newcastle Poulson was the Architect. T. Dan smith was the Leader of the Council and McCullough the builder they all went to prison for fraud

    Back handers under Best value =Fraud, Fraud=Jail,

    Some will take the chance on not getting caught

  9. A few years ago I would have said that this country was above such things - not any more.

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