
Is it true that all the French?

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ducks speak French? They all go around, saying quoique, quoique, quoique?




  1. no, we french say Coin coin

  2. French ducks that say "Quoique. Quoique. Quoique" are highly educated birds that have flown to UK and, as a result, become bi-lingual through intercourse with their British cousins who say "Quack. Quack. Quack".

    Those that have never left  France say "Coin. Coin. Coin" which expresses an obsessive fear of being  put in the "corner" for their ignorance of the Queen's English, and therefore explains their non-attendance at school.

  3. yes, and cows say meuh, roosters say cocorico, etc.  It's onomatopoeia, baby!

  4. At first, I was offended by this question, but after I re-read it, it's kind of funny.  Maybe I have a twisted sense of humor.

  5. well somewhat... that is just how the french hear what they say... like here in the US not all the ducks say exactly quack..... but that is the word that sounds closest to what they do say


  6. ur 1000% right ))))) i do not need to say more

  7. Cute joke. You may or may not know that "quoique" is actually a French word meaning "although", by the way.

  8. lol

    Very true. And any duck crossing French skies have to speak the linguo too.

  9. Yup...It comes naturally to the french ducks, same as it does to french kids!!!

  10. coin coin coin coin coin coin  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    COIN ???

    coin coin coin coin coin


    COUA COUA !!!

    COIIIIIIIIIInnnn §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Coucou coucou

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