
Is it true that all the bitchy women get the guys?

by  |  earlier

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Bitchier women are more aggressive and they see what they want and go for it. Are guys turned on to this bitchy quality? Is it true that bitchier women get more in this dog-eat-dog world? =)




  1. I am a guy and I am not turned on by it.  I actually like women that are not very popular.  If i get turned down by a unpopular girl, nobody will ever know, but if i get rejected by a bitchy girl, it will be over the country

  2. No, I don't think so, men are not stupids.

  3. I just think that a lot of bitchy women turn out to be good looking ;)

    i mean coincedently not because they're bitchy.

  4. men like b*****s. women like jerks. So the Jerks and the b*****s get their pick of the litter. They also get to cheat while the other person stays faithful. I'm not sure why this is so, but it's so.

  5. "Bitchy" isn't the right word here; it's just shorthand for "assertive." I don't know any guys who would be interested in dating a wuss.

  6. For the most part.  But not aggressive.  Men would prefer b*****s who are aloof.  They like to climb mountains.  If a woman is too easy, a man will use her but he'll get bored easily.  If he thinks a woman is above him, he'll climb the mountain until he either falls or gets to the top.

  7. Well they get jerky guys, so what?

  8. no not always alot of men don't put up with a bad attitude.

  9. I'm not turned on by it!

  10. Unfortunately the 'b*****s' or 'b******s' of this world will often get what they go for, just because they don't care about anyone else.

  11. Dark diva has a point. I've got a book , titled. "Why Men Love b*****s" The title is done tongue-in-cheek.

    The gist of that book is that a lot of men don't want a doormat. They don't want a hard-*** *****, either. But, they are intrigued by a women that has self-esteem and confidence.

    Maybe, those "bitchy" women don't grovel for attention and put themselves last after everyone else. They have self-respect.

    I don't see how you would attract anyone but a m*******t if you were truly bitchy.

  12. Seems that way dont it. I see some great looking nice guys with these mean women. Must be good at something else. lol

  13. Most guys are actually turned off by bitchy women. It seems like those women get all the men, it's not because of their bitchiness, it's because of the confidence they exume. I think you'll find that most guys prefer women who are much nicer rather then a women who constantly finds faults with others :)

  14. By "bitchy" I assume you mean "more assertive"

    I think this depends on the guy. My bf likes it when I put the moves on him, so it works out, but I've encountered most men who don't like that and feel they want to be in charge.

    I think bitchy women get the guys who like women to be forward and guys who like to be in charge get women who tend to be more compliant.

  15. I have been wondering the same thing.  I see a lot of nice, cute guys with bossy girlfriends who act more like a mother than a girlfriend.  I don't understand why guys go for that either =?

  16. sometimes....but there are times when we overdo it and it hits the fan

  17. You don't need to be bitchy to see what you want and go for it.

  18. Some weak guys get dragged into this sort of relationship. I guess why not? In a lot of dances - maybe including the dance of life - someone has got to take the lead.

  19. wrong and wrong

  20. "Bitchy"


  21. A woman that values her mind and desires communication and to perfect that fine art gathers more interest from me.

    I guess assertive but then many think assertive is bitchy. As a result assertive isnt the word.

    A person can remain at peace with much around them and still be able to politely state what they want and endeavour towards it. That takes greater character than maniplulating and falling to easy anger.

    Sadly to many view (or treat) those that do as weaker - so it also requires someone willing to face the tide.

    Perhaps what I find attractive isnt easy for a person. Its also not at once so apparent either. Manners and character are free tho, hope on the other hand is spent by the moment, while time is spent by the moment.

    But then again as your question suggests its not quality or a certain quality you seek - you want quantity. Else why say 'get the guys'? Loosen your clothing.

    Some men are sucked in by bitchy women - some for shorter times others longer. It is a sign of maturity.

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