
Is it true that an engagement ring normally is 3 months salary?

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I have heard that the amount that should be spent on an engagement ring is 3 months salary? Is that the norm? I really have no idea




  1. Mine wasn't. Mine cost $200.00 and it was on sale. He bought mine when the Jensen's Jeweler's had their big Mother's Day Sale.

    I did not an expensive ring. With the economy being bad I do not see how anyone can afford to spend three months salary.  

  2. That is certainly what the diamond retailers would like you to believe.

    If any man were to offer me a ring of that scale, I'd turn him down flat on the grounds that he's easily mislead by marketting hype, doesn't discriminate between real value and value inflated by monopolistic manipulation of the market, and doesn't have a practical approach to managing resources.

    I think you''ll find that most suitors have enough sense to invest their earnings first in putting a debt-free roof over their bride's head, and show a bit more sense regarding what they spend on a bauble of jewelry for her finger. If that isn't enough to damp your ardour over sparkly crystals of elemental carbon, you might want to compare the jewelry-store price with the resale-price of a typical engagement ring. That kind of mark-up inspires a LOT of marketing hype!

  3. A jeweller once told me it was two months, before that I thought it was one month. But I think there shouldn't be a minimum as long as it is exactly what you/future bride love. Just as long as the guy isn't trying to get out of it cheap, which is probably why they made up this 'rule' in the first place. If you're looking to save money, just wait for the mid-year and end of year sales. Some of them are 30-50% off.

  4. It is customary to spend 2-3 times your monthly pay checks, but I would spend as much as I feel comfortable with. Try researching online, You can probably save 30% if you buy online. Try or they both have well priced diamonds and rings with a 30 day return policy.

  5. No, that's something that the diamond industry made up to get you to spend even more money.

  6. That is what the jewelery industry would like for you to spend on a ring. In most instances, you should select a ring that you can afford without going into debt.

    Unfortunately, most women have been fed the idea that she should receive a ring that costs 3 months salary... in some cases, let's just say, she'll be disappointed!

  7. General guide is two months' salary, not three.  But get whatever you can afford that would look nice and make her happy. :-)

  8. i know when my boyfriend proposes to me i dont care how expensive it is--i dont want him to not have any money at all because of an engagement ring.whatever he gives me will be amazing no matter how much :)

  9. the ring doesn't symbolize money! for someone who thinks this way should get those rings from grocery stores costing only a quarter

  10. No! Ignore all that and pick and ring she'll like.

  11. actually, they used to say that an engagement ring is 4 months salary. this is just a saying.

    you should not spend more than $2000 on an engagement ring, you should look to spend more like $1100. You do not want to give her a ring that a w***e would wear nor do you want to give her a ring that is too over the top.  

  12. No. It used to be. Now it is whatever you can afford!

  13. No.

  14. No,a money grubber made that up or an idiot that likes to spend alot of money.IGNORE it.

  15. NO way!  There is no "rule" that I know of for how much the ring should cost.  I think my engagement ring was around $800, but he got it on sale for $500.00.  I would much rather not have a ring that costs three months salary!  I can think of lots of stuff that money could be better spent on, like a down payment on a house or something important.

  16. No.  The ring for a lot of people isn't that important.  I think men should spend what they can afford.  

  17. Not always.  Just find something nice and I am sure that it will be appreciated.  It shouldn't really matter how much the ring costs as long as it is coming from someone who really cares.  It really also depends on what the girl likes too.  Like me- I don't care for big diamonds but some people do, so that would also affect the amount that would be spent and all that mess.  

  18. no that's not the norm. the price is not what matters once she really likes it that's all that matters

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