
Is it true that anything is possible?

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Can man really create anything .




  1. Yes, with eternity it is.  

  2. Current scientific belief is that the universe is governed by certain immutable laws, which means there are constraints, so not everything is possible.  Case in point, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

    Keep in mind that there's a lot we don't know.  We make new discoveries every day.  Once air travel was inconceivable.  Now it's commonplace.  

  3. no, not anything .. it's not possible to live forever..  

  4. anything is possible.

    just not probable

  5. idealistically, yes.

  6. no

  7. Logically, if everything is possible, then impossible should also be possible. Therefore both the extreme statements prove to be illogical........ namely that 'anything is possible' or that 'nothing is impossible'

  8. Possibly.

  9. no, not everything is possible.

    many things are possible. many things that come to our attention can be accomplished sometime or another. but this question stems beyond the human brains capability. therefore, making it impossible for our brains to fully understand this question.

  10. nope. man have certain limitation and so we are guided by it and live by it.  

  11. If it can be can be created. To answer your question regarding creation...

    I mean in reading these responses, I see a lot of people just living in their little "box" world...not really seeking outside of what they are comfortable or perhaps may have dreamt when they were children. Ask a child about what might be possible or impossible and see what their answers might might learn something.

    In 1588, do you think the society thought there would be cures for their diseases, let alone picture tubes with moving images, or created a rocket to see the moon, or h**l, maybe even the notion of toothpaste was out of their grasp...

    Anything is possible, one might be limited to certain physical elemental restraints, but it still doesn't mean we can't someday "go" the speed of light", if you think about it even deeper, we ALREADY ARE going at the speed of light, depending on your relative state of being in the universe...not only that, but if you flick a light switch, doesn't it turn on? So, we have harnessed the ability to control light and use it for our you really want to RUN at the speed of light...which, would pretty much make you dead, so, that's not even a plausible notion in relation to possible/impossible, it is an argument of fallacy anyway.

    So, in short...dream it and it will become. And, not only that, isn't it ALL possible when you're in the unconscious anyway? Maybe you guys who doubt should visit your dreams more often instead of compartmentalizing everything in this world...

    "those with lack of vision, suffer from a lifetime of myopic decision making and fall short of a life lead fulfilled..." - Me



  12. no.can you create sun?

  13. you cant count to the highest number so that's not possible

  14. No.

    Try running at light speed.

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