
Is it true that apollo 11 exploration is fake?

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Is it true that apollo 11 exploration is fake?




  1. Yes they did land on the moon, only people who

    - hate the government

    - know less science than a Highschool student

    - want to make money with their books and videos

    - simply are trolling

    claim otherwise.

    NASA has i.e.

    - eyewitnesses

    - a whole load of documentation (including the tracking data from foreign countries)

    - thousands of pictures

    - hours of film

    - the laser reflectors

    - >300kg of moonrocks

    - a congratulation from the russians

    Most of the landingdeniers counterclaims don't even need an expert to be shown wrong, they are just stupid. .

    i.e. Hoaxers claim that the flag was waving in some wind

    Now everyone who bothers to do some research (instead of relying on the fraudulent Snippets the Hoaxers show) will find out, that the flag was held up by a wire, and appeared only to be waving while (and shortly after) being handled by one of the astronauts.

    You also have to ask yourself if it is really believeable that NASA would miss a waving flag if they wanted to fake it?

    Now certain  answerers may claim otherwise but if you read their stuff, and all the answers in the questions there they participated you will notice that all their "evidence" has been debunked numerous times.

    Do they acknowledge it? Are they even try to explain why the explantions given are incorrect? No, they just repeat the same bunch of lies over and over again. That should give you an idea about their  honesty...

  2. Which is more probable?

    We landed on the moon with less computer power than a modern digital watch and we're going back and then to Mars and then off to Zeta Reticuli?


    Your government wants to force these on you:

    ***Hint: Can you calculate about how much higher dirt should fly off tires on the moon than on the Earth. If so, do the calculation and then compare to actual lunar buggy footage.

  3. what? how can it be fake? Theres videos and photos on the event.

  4. NO. It was not faked.

  5. Is it true that you don't know how to use the search feature?

  6. The Apollo missions were not faked. Period.

    Area 51 and aliens from another planet, THAT was faked.

  7. No way!

    There are videos and Photos that prove it!!

    Check this out..

    and this..


  8. No.

  9. You are a fake.  Prove to us that you are not.  Don't send pictures - you are saying that is not good evidence.

  10. of course not. why do you ask? to insult the half million ppl who worked their butts off to make it happen? or to just be a jerk?

    it happened. deal with it.

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