
Is it true that at certain spots in the ocean, you can just get sucked in?

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in the phillipines, i heard stories of people (who are strong swimmers i.e experienced fisherment, ect) going to swim at beaches and dissappear without a trace. suppossedly, there are spots in the ocean where you just get sucked in? Im not talking about quicksand. Is this jut a myth or is this really possible? if so, causes this phenomenon?




  1. its half true and half false and lies

  2. I'll be interested to see the answers you get from this.

    People who simply disappear from beaches generally have been caught in rip currents, that is, strong outward flowing currents that carry them beyond their ability to return to shore.  Sharks are another possibility, as is something catastrophic happening to the swimmer such as a heart attack, seizure, or stroke.

    Nothing much mysterious.

  3. I actually had quite a bit more to contribute but since you've already promised the points, I won't bother...

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