
Is it true that auto makers put junk or leftover parts in white cars?

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I'm about to buy a white '08 Chevy Cobalt & ive been told by more than one person that manufacturers paint the last cars they assemble white and put junk or leftover parts in them. I personally think this isn't true, I was just wondering if anyone else had heard of this before or if anyone knows it to be true or not?




  1. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  Punch whoever told you that in the face and drive over their foot with your new Cobalt :)

    (don't really hurt anyone!)

    Good luck with your new car!

  2. That's crazy.  It's a Chevy.  They put junk parts in all color cars.  Don't worry, it's not just yours.

  3. That is untrue,as a matter of fact I work at Toledo Jeep Wrangler Assembly Plant and our last couple of hundred 2008 Jeeps were all red.They would not put junk parts in them and most of the time the parts from year to year don't change and when they do change the old parts are removed,packed up and used for replacement parts and then new parts put in.

  4. And Santa will come for boys and girls who are good. What a load of rubbish.  

    40 years ago there could do as they liked but today the auto industry is ultra competitive.  

    They simply could not afford to risk upsetting buyers by such a practice.

    That aside.

    Who ever told you white cars are the last made is a fool. If that was true how do dealer get white cars on the lot as soon as a new mode is released to the market.  

  5. This is called an "urban legend" which is something that is not true but keeps getting spread around by people who 1) know better, but enjoy making other people believe it, or 2) are not intelligent enough to figure it out and believe they are spreading useful knowledge.

  6. I heard they put junk and leftover in cars that were made on Mondays. NOT

  7. I have never heard that one before.  

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