
Is it true that barack obama is a founding member of the taliban?

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Is it true that barack obama is a founding member of the taliban?




  1. There should be a rating system here for dumb questions: one star for asking anything that can be found by googling; two stars for asking the obvious; three stars for promoting dogmatic/ideological opinion; and four stars for spectacular displays of ignorance.

    You get four stars.

  2. You can spot a GOP plant a mile away, can't you?

  3. NO!

    He's a SECRET founding member of the taliban...

  4. Do not believe everything you hear. And only believe half of what you actually see also.

  5. I doubt it, unless you have documentation.


  7. If it was, do you think they would let him run for president?

  8. No

  9. No.  Is it true that you are completely uneducated?

  10. Oh stop. No ...........................................

  11. No.

  12. no......a truly dumb question

  13. No,it was actually shrillary,she has a thing for men who wear dresses and turbans,and seeing she wasn't getting any at home,or anywhere else for that matter,she formed the Taliban.She just dreampt about those Taliban *****,oh so sweaty,unwashed for months at a time,all the crotch critters,she named all of them you know,shes such a talented twit.I heard that  the redheaded living miscarraige they refer to as chelsea has a penchant for yaks and spear throwing  aborigines.hmmmmm,what next from the dysfunctional inbreds from arkansas.

    capnbill,the taliban was formed long before reagan took office,and the man largely responsible was charlie wilson,not bush,reagan or the CIA.

    St john,try and grow a sense of humor why dont you.

  14. helllll       to the N-O

  15. Nope, this is what white people who support hillary say

  16. the Taliban were founded in the early 80's in Afganistan by the CIA under orders from Reagan to defeat the Soviet invasion

    so actually Reagan and bush Sr (head of the CIA through the 70's) could be considered founding members, litterally

    Obama was in college are the time at Harvard law school

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