
Is it true that bare knuckle boxers use vertical punches instead of horizontal?

by  |  earlier

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This link says so:




  1. Fascinating article, and i assumed that the grappling take downs didn't end the round, but it says otherwise.

    I wish the article went further into why the vertical punch is more economic than the horizontal.  I didn't buy into that conclusion.  The explanation for the extended guard made sense, but I thought the increased distance was more a function of how devastating a bare fist can be.  One mistake and you're bleeding to death, so you have to increase range to decrease the odds of a lucky punch.  And I won't name any names, but many modern boxers will throw their power hand in the vertical punching position..

    From the extended bare-handed guard, I've often wondered if the fighters would throw a lead-hand punch that is half backhand/half uppercut, tracing a straight line from the lead guard upwards into the opponent's nose.  Seems like a good method to break the opponent's nasal cartilage.

  2. This is a very interesting article you got here. The only way you would find out the correct answer to this question is of you ask people who have Box or are fighters before and after they practice the sport. Ever since i can remember I've always punch horizontally. I don't really remember ever punching vertical. Later when I got into Boxing i still punch Horizontally so at least in me it didn't change. I would understand that you would punch Vertical to land the knuckles on your opponents face or body. The way i learned how to punch was to twist you wrist and your fingers must face down when the punch is thrown. This article makes sense and it's very accurate. It just doesn't go with the way I learned how to punch.

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