
Is it true that bobby jones?

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never had a coach? He learn golf playing himself without a coach? is this true?




  1. Absolutely!  The best there ever was.

  2. Both Hogan and Jones were self taught as were most golfers of that day. Including Snead, Nelson, and Hagen.

  3. Bagger Vance, although a good movie and excellent book, is fictional and mainly based off of "Golf in the Kingdom" by Michael Murphy.  And Bagger was Junuh's caddie.  Back to the question at hand...  Back in the early days of golf in America, not many people had coaches because it was stil a growing sport.  Although I'm sure his father helped him over the years and other people did as well, it wasn't like today how coaches, psychologists, and trainers follow the players like an entourage.

  4. Bobby Jones started playing golf when he was six years old, and considered a child prodigy winning a tournament in 1916. He was coached by Stewat Maidan, a Scottish golfer and very good!  He also got help from his father who was himself a very good amateur golfer.

  5. Please disreguard the Captain who wrote in above me who is evidently not a golf historian.  Bobby Jones retired at age 28 with 13 majors, not quite the numbers of a duffer.  Actually he won more by age 28 than Tiger did.  Of course Bobby was playing a different set of Majors than are being played today, but none the less his winning percentage is superior to Tigers.  Say what you want about the competition either faced, but when you compare their numbers straight up, Bobby has nothing to be ashamed of.

  6. I think bagger vance was a fictional story...

    I read Hogan's books and he was mainly self-taught.  A real jerk too, but a small guy that hit a mile, so one of my favorite golfers.  One of the best ever, but to all golf historians know that Tiger is the best ever - 14 majors by age 33 makes Jones look like a duffer.

  7. bagger vance was his coach and the movie.

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