
Is it true that boxers cannot hit other normal people in a fight because their hands are registered weapons?

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For example say a public fight broke out between a normal guy and a professional boxer (not just some normal guy who hits a punching bag on weekends mind you). Is it true that the boxer cannot hit the man, even if the man hits him first because of the fact his hands are registered weapons? I was told this and wanted to know if it was true or not. The logic seems to make sense because they are considered more adept at fighting than an average person would be.




  1. NO i'm an x pro boxer and kickboxing instructor an have done some kung fu  and its not true your hands and feet are considered no more a weapon than any one elses hands and legs any one can defend their self using any means necessary but i do mean necessary and that means knife, stick, Martial arts, or what ever but the means necessary is a thin line and if you are trained its harder to say what you did was necessary because you have so many option's but in a situation you don't have time to choose what your going to do you just take the first opportunity that occurs to solve the situation as fast as possible because you might get killed or something like that its stupid in it but that's how it goes

  2. A good boxer wouldn't get hit by "Average Joe."  There's a thin line here and to be safe I would just say yes that they shouldn't hit people unless they want to get sued everyother month like Mike Tyson

  3. No not true but yes  they arms and legs are  weapons they count to us all as weapons..boxer no diffrant than you and me..

    its a weapon no matter what you are if you a fisher man a driver or a poker still get the same charge no matter what you part of the body you use.. but but weapons have never hurt anybody a weapon is safe.

    when we start to use make use of them people get hurt...its the same professional or not its the same charge. but boxing bored may ban you?

  4. You can defend yourself by any means necessary. If a guy hits you or assults you first then the the pro boxer can legally hit him back.

    If you mouthed off at a pro boxer and he hit you, he could be charged with aggravated assault. If he hurts you badly by punching you a few times then he could be charged with assault causing bodily harm.

    Legally his hands would not be a factor in the charge but would come into consideration when he is being sentenced.

    At least were im from you dont get a weapons charge even if you are a pro boxer just by hitting a guy with your fists. But the judge can sentence him more harshly.

    Now If the boxer hits a guy and kills him or permanently damages the other guy Then he would be charged with Voluntary Manslaughter and thats a bad one, had he not been a pro boxer and killed a guy with hit hands he would most likely get Involuntary Manslaughter, thats where the biggest difference comes into play.

    Im Canadian, and a Maritimer so our laws are pretty flax. You can get voluntary manslaughter here and most likely you wont serve more then 3 years on good behavoir.

  5. A boxers fists aren't registered as weapons, they are classified as  weapons. You can use a weapon to defend yourself, fists classified as weapons included.  

  6. what!?!? ahha

  7. OK this is a good question a boxers hands are not registered but if he gets into a fight with a average guy and he kills him the courts will put him under the jail because it is not a fair fight now there is a thing called the 5 year rule if a boxer has not had a sanction fight in 5 years then he is considered to be just like everyone else meaning if the boxer kills someone in a street fight his hands won't be viewed as weapons I would not count on that if you went to court so if you are a boxer don,t fight anyone who is not a boxer

  8. no thats a complete lie.  the same goes for black belts as well.  

  9. Not exactly. When you register for a license in your state yuo are required to to register. but you are allowed to defend yourself with in necessary means. open hand hitting is usually the preferred method of defense in that case. think about owning a gun you can shoot someone if it is necessary in defense but not just because

  10. I think yes or something to that effect. especially if he hurts someone

  11. A fighter's hands have been legally considered a deadly weapon in the past. In 1983, Panama Lewis (one-time trainer of Aaron Pryor and one of the biggest douchebags to grace the sport of boxing) removed padding from his fighter's gloves before a contest. His fighter, Luis Resto, beat his opponent to a pulp.

    Both Lewis and Resto were tried and convicted for assault and possession of a deadly weapon (Resto's hands).

    So, while a fighter's hands aren't registered, they can certainly be considered deadly weapons by a court of law.

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