
Is it true that breeding with those of another race will make a healthier baby?

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or is it, that breeding with a similar race will lead to greater chances of complications, or both?

Just in general it seems that mixed children end up pretty good, tiger woods, jessica alba, etc. it does make sense though doesnt it? sort of decreases the odds of inbreeding further down a generational line... if this is so, then why as a societal trait generally more attracted to those of our own kind? isnt it anti-evolutionary? or is it merely society impeding on health?




  1. Genes work in combination but a strong immune system is a health plus. So it works both ways.

  2. People with diverse immune systems tend to have the most reproductive success, so if people with different looking skin have different immune systems then maybe you're right. But race is socially constructed so you really can't base an argument on the physical nature of two "races." And it's also erroneous to base an argument on anecdotal evidence, like Tiger Woods or Jessica Alba. My daughter is mixed and beautiful and rarely gets sick but is she representative of all mixed children? You'd have to do a massive study.

  3. If anything regardless of how they look like continue to breed between each other its more likely to have disease/epidemics.

  4. There are certain diseases that associated with one group of people such as Tay Sachs Disease associated with East European Jewery.  African-Americans have a higher incident of strokes.  I am sure you could find more such diseases.  By marrying out of your group your children will have less chance of being born with these diseases.

  5. There is no such thing as 'race.' In biology, race is a term that refers to a particular inbreeding group, or subspecies. There are no 'subspecies' among modern humans, we are all Homo sapiens sapiens.

    Race, as it refers to humans, is a cultural invention. Skin color simply has to do with the amount of sunlight a given population must deal with. In populations who live in very trop[ical, sunny climates, evolution pressures them to produce more melanin. However, producing too much melanin results in a Vitamin D deficiency if there is not enough sunlight present, so populations without significant sunlight exposure are pressured to be fairer-skinned.

    I think you are under the assumption that being of a different 'race' means that you are somehow genetically more distant from that person. However, I can tell you that it doesn't work that way. For example, the black residents of Papua New Huinea are more closely related to white-skinned Asians than they are to black-skinned Africans.

    You comment that "mixed children end up pretty good, tiger woods, jessica alba, etc." I would attribute this to social bias: children who are part Anglo will tend to have more Anglo features, which is more 'attractive' to our society (look at Barbie dolls if you don't believe me!) Also, they tend to have darker skin, which is also more 'attractive' to us (how many teenagers with spray-on tans do you see in the average mall?). So, mixed children like Alicia Keys and whatnot have Anglo features that our society has placed higher values on, while having what we consider to be a more attractive skin tone.

    Attraction has a lot more to do with society and the way you were raised than any sort of biological basis. Hope that helped!

  6. to mix anything in this world is good that makes for surprises and I'm for one love surprises , I see black hair and green eyes how beautiful that child would be mother white and father Asian ,and the green eyes are almond shaped and tall like his granddad on his mother side.

  7. Yes, it's called Hybrid Vigor!

    When two extremely different kinds of members of the same species produce an offspring, the tendency is for the newborn, to be slightly larger, somewhat healthier, and often more attractive than either of the parents!

    This is a practice that farmers/ranchers have been using for centuries, with their domesticated livestock, to produce exceptional offspring!

  8. Human do not breed, animals breed. Race is a construct, a theory.  There is no specific races. It was someone's dissertation and was used to control people.

  9. 'Pure blood' is always weak in the end.

    UK is the root of 'good blood' for this very reason - the 'perfect blend' of all the best from around the world.

    The export of this fine (blended) blood line to the north american colonies is a fantastic asset to the world - their maintenance of this asset continues to be an asset to them and one which they have developed.

    This fantastic blend needs to be protected from competition by alternative, weak 'pure bloods' from all sources whether racial, religions or cultural - their strenghts must be assimilated, their weaknesses dicarded.

    Well bread mongrels rule, diversity of origin is all - purity(whether ethnic, religions or racial) has power but is wrong, weak and misguided.

  10. I have a mixed race son(Latino/Caucasian) and he seldom gets sick, and he's very intelligent. I would imagine that those diseases that are common in certain races wouldn't really be a factor in a mixed race child, since there are other genes mixed in. (I'm not making sense am I?)

    But then again, I did breastfeed my son until he was a year old, so that may contribute to his good health.

  11. Probably, because the odds of producing a baby with recessive genetic illnesses will be almost nil, as many are race specific, although that's fading as people intermarry more.For example, cystic fibrosis, differing versions of sickle cell etc.

    There was a study of mixed East Asian and Caucasian kids that suggested their IQ was a couple of points higher than it should have been, and their faces were slightly more symmetrical, which is a good indication of health.

  12. i do know that if they ever come down with a horrible health problem, it will be much harder to find a donor for blood, marrow, organs, or anything else.

  13. I'm not very sure, but for some reason Latin people in the US tends to be healthier than Caucasians, and they usually don't have better health care, and their way of eating is not the healthiest, so it is possible, but not an affirmation

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