
Is it true that cats sense paranormal activity?

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Is it true that cats sense paranormal activity?




  1. yes

  2. I've heard they travel interdimensionally quite often.

  3. Yes I think so.  My cat used to see my grandfather sitting in his favorite seat in the family room sometimes.

    He would be walking by the seat and sometimes would just jump straight up and his tail would puff and he would hiss at the seat.  Not everytime just sometimes.  

    Note. My grandfather wasn't too friendly with the cat when he was alive.

  4. i think so...whoa i thought little kids sensed paranormal activity.

  5. There is some evidence to support the idea that animals have some sort of psychic senses, yes.

    I have listed links to two books on the subject.

    The last link is to the page of biologist Rupert Sheldrake that has and is studying psychic abilities in animals.

  6. I believe they can.  Once I was videotaping in my home (using night vision camcorder), and captured an orb as it was flying above me.  I quickly turned the camcorder towards my cat to see if he could see this orb (which I could not see with the naked eye), he popped his head up looked up at the orb as it floated passed, then resumed his position.

  7. Yes: Cats, dogs and small children are all a lot more sensitive to those kinds of things. :)

  8. I AM SURE OF IT ! I can see this because sometimes I see my cat staring into the distance or at a wall and I think she is looking at a ghost.


  9. Cats and many other animals can sense some natural phenomenons which are in the out of range for human being...

    There are.

    For example, Humans can hear sounds from about 16 to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). Frequency ranges that are perceptible to some of other species are:

    Dogs: up to 40,000 Hz

    Cats: 100 to 60,000 Hz

    Bats: 1,000 to 100,000 Hz

    Dolphins: up to 150,000 Hz

    Similarly, humans may not be able to see infrared light. Infrared light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Did you know that snakes in the pit viper family, like rattlesnakes, have sensory "pits", which are used to image infrared light? This allows the snake to detect warm blooded animals, even in dark burrows!

  10. Well, aren't ALL creatures (animals) guided in life by their instincts (intuition).....Thus all creatures being able to 'sense paranormal activity', even humans?

  11. yes they can !!!! also there was a story on the news a little while back, about a nursing home that housed elderly people, they had a pet cat, that lived in the home... they noticed the cat would jump onto the persons bed, and sleep next to that person, hours before they died, it happened to every single person, i think 24 times in one year.... so much so it made a news story, and it happened everytime, so no one can say it was just coincidences...maybe someone here can find the link to the story, i know when the story aired alot of people were talking about it cat has picked up on things, she acted strange when my friend had died in the night, and he appeared in my door way...but i think that story alone proves it more than anything...with the nursing home and their pet cat...i might try and find it for you...or if anyone else knows the link to it........

    EDIT here i found one link see if this works, or just punch in "nursing home cat" there are lots of sites his name is oscar...this is enough proof for me....


    (not sure if that first link works, maybe try this one... they say he predicts their death around 4 to 2 hours before they die...he is more accurate than the doctors...please read it, it so fasinating.. the doctors finally trusted his knowing of their death, after 13 accurate patients and no coincidences.....

    hope this one works....

  12. They are the best natural psychics I know. An adverage cat can actually have a higher riatsue then the adverage riatsue a human has (spiritual pressure / my form of spiritual power level in measurement).

    Cats can see paranormal activity, sense riatsue, hide riatsue & sense good & bad chi.

    I know because I live with cats & I have these abilitys too.

  13. Yes it is true. It is only true that dogs can see poranormal activity too.

  14. I strongly believe this. I know the cats have this unusual  ability to sense paranormal activity.I  am Psychic and hence my cat helps a lot in studying various things/events/futuristics.

  15. Probably not.

  16. I've had cats all my life and I've never seen any demonstrate an ability to sense anything paranormal.  There is a lot of woo-woo magical thinking going on in here.

    How would you verify this anyway?

  17. ervy creature

    have difrent abilities in perciving sounds or ligth wawe lenghs

    soo yes some animals can sense things taht humans cant

    but there is abosulity nothing paranomal about that

    just like using a nite vision gogle lets u see in dark

    or using unltraviolet camera  can let u see a visually cloaked

    alien craft

  18. yes both cats and dogs can sense paranormal activity, they will refuse to go into a room, seem to be in a tense state in a certain room in a house. Cats are also able to sense emotions so if you are afraid they can sense that and will either try to comfort you or use the same emotion

  19. THEY DO

  20. Heightened awareness, yes. On the morning of the Northridge quake in CA, I was asleep about 10 miles from the epicenter with my 6 month-old cat on my chest. She leapt off my chest and fled out the pet door in a panic (waking me up) before the first shock. She didn't reappear for 24 hours. How she knew something was up, I don't know. Glad she woke me, though!

  21. I really don't know-but that recent thing about them predicting deaths in nursing homes is spooky!

  22. Devising a test which would show that the cat was using a paranormal sense, as opposed to its natural senses, would be very difficult to do. So far, no such data exists, so the pro-paranormal answers you get here can only be speculation.

    My answer is that cats have natural senses (e.g., sight, smell, hearing, etc) that are far more sensitive than those of humans. A cat may be acutely aware of something that we have no clue about, and I suppose that may seem "spooky" to some people which is why they might attribute it to paranormal activity.

  23. most animals do including cats

  24. Cats, dogs all animals have senses developed differently then ours.Trying to apply what we sense to them is a mistake.They've become what they are from Natural Selection.Domestic animals also have been bred for certain characteristics.Crediting the paranormal diminishes the animals and the beauty of Nature.

  25. all animals r lots more physic than us but cats specialy...  they see an sence all kinds of spirits an things we cant see...  i seen them stare at an chase inviseble creatures when it looks like nothings there....  they can read ur mind to an always no wat ur feeling an thinking...   there real good at telling the weather to...  lots better than the TV weather guy... lol...  when a rain storm is coming they get excited an start running round...  an they wash behind there ears only when its gonna rain....  an when a big snow storm is coming thats when they get so excited they go completly CRAZY!!!!  they start running all over the place an r bouncing off the walls!!!

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