
Is it true that cigarette smoke is responsible for 62% of all greenhouse gas emissions?

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Is it true that cigarette smoke is responsible for 62% of all greenhouse gas emissions?




  1. Whoever told you that is a complete dufis.  most of the greenhouse gasses come from the burning of fossil fuels, like coal and gasoline.  You probably couldn't even measure cigaret smokes impact--it would be too small a number unless you used some really confusing scientific notation.  But still, don't smoke.  It may not hurt the planet's temperature, but it sure will hurt your body!

  2. No.  Heating and cooling buildings, combustion engines, animal husbandry, damage to ocean-dwelling CO2 converting organisms and deforestation are the worst contributors.

    Of course, any kind of smoke is unhelpful.

  3. Any burning plant material adds Co2 but compared to other sources cigarettes would be lucky if the figure was 0.62%

    T Love: you need to do some more research; volcanoes usually cause cooling not warming by putting sulphur into the upper atmosphere. Co2 emitted by volcanoes is dwarfed by humans output.

    The second wiki link quotes 1999 U.S. Co2 output at ~2.2 billion tons that is ~ten years of volcanic Co2 output for the world. Current total human Co2 output is ~40-45 billion tons.

  4. Cigarette smoke is but a small fraction of the greenhouse gas emissions.

    Take into consideration that the following also produce greenhouse gases: cars, trucks, buses, aircraft, factories, oil refineries, ore smelting and steel mills, power plants, oil and gas home heating systems, forest fires, and natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, which can produce as much air pollution in one eruption as all the cars in the United States can produce in an entire year.

    Anti-smoking people's hearts are in the right place, but they can sometimes embellish the truth with unsubstantiated claims. You cannot believe all the nonsense they spout off in their cheesy commercials. They would have tobacco banned if they had it their way. Tobacco is made to be enjoyed, but like all unhealthy things, it comes with risk, and it is up to an individual to assume and understand the risks and know when it is time for them to quit.

  5. No.  Absolutely ridiculous.

  6. No, but 62% of misinformation on the topic may come from former tobacco industry employees and lobbyists.

    At Fox News, a Pundit for Hire

    "Objective viewers long ago realized that Fox News has a political agenda. But, when a pundit promotes this agenda while on the take from corporations that benefit from it, then Fox News has gone one disturbing step further"

    The Canadian Broadcasting Company's Fifth Estate did cool TV episode called The Denial Machine, on the overlap between tobacco denial and global warming denial and the PR firm APCO and its connections to Milloy and friends.

  7. You have misquoted the statistic.  Environmental activists are credited with 62% of all greenhouse gas emissions due to the urgent need for them to criss-cross the globe to spread the word on the dangers of global warming.

  8. No way, The majority of greenhouse gases come from CO2 emmisions from combustion engines and deforestation.

  9. No!

    The majority of "green House gasses", come from the planet itself. Many conifer trees (pines), take in oxygen and expel CO2, just like humans. The natural decay of the leaf litter on forest floors releases CO2. Methane gas is constantly expelled from vents on the ocean floor and from volcanoes.

    When Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991, it was the second largest volcanic eruption in that century, and it produced millions and millions of tons of green house gasses, far more then mankind has produced since man came into existence.

  10. Only in China.

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